200 years ago today, AmerÂiÂca stunned the world when it declared war on Britain, beginÂning what’s now called The War of 1812. The RevÂoÂluÂtionÂary War had endÂed only 29 years earÂliÂer. But despite agreeÂments made with the Treaty of Paris (1783), the British kept presÂsurÂing the UnitÂed States, tryÂing to stiÂfle AmerÂiÂca’s trade with France and the young nation’s expanÂsion into the NorthÂwest TerÂriÂtoÂry, among othÂer things. So the two counÂtries went to war again.
Now fast forÂward 93 years and watch as Hiram Cronk, the last surÂvivÂing vetÂerÂan of the war, gets laid to rest. Cronk, a shoeÂmakÂer by trade, served with the New York VolÂunÂteers in the defense of SackÂetÂt’s HarÂbor, and lived to be 105 years old. Above, you’ll see crowds linÂing the streets of BrookÂlyn and watchÂing the milÂiÂtary proÂcesÂsion pass by. Some 25,000 peoÂple paid their respects that day.
FabÂuÂlous!! thanks for postÂing this, what a great winÂdow into the past. Just wonÂderÂful and what a great pageant in honÂour of Mr Cronk.
RealÂly nice! As said, it is a great winÂdow into the past!! Thanks.
Very interÂestÂing. HowÂevÂer, if the dates are corÂrect, it means he went to war at the age of 12. SureÂly that canÂnot be corÂrect?
Thank you, What a Great CounÂtry we used to have!
Thanks for postÂing this…hiram was my great great grandfather…his son john lived to be 102 an attribÂuted his longeviÂty to 1 shot of whiskey and 1 cigÂar a day