Not long ago we posted the only known recording of Sigmund Freud’s voice. Today we present rare home movies of the founder of modern psychology, captured during the last decade of his life.
The scenes are narrated by Freud’s youngest daughter Anna, who allowed the footage to be shown only within the psychoanalytic community before her death in 1982. The first scenes in the clip above were filmed in 1932 at Freud’s summer home in Pötzleinsdorf, a suburb of Vienna. He is shown visiting with his old friend Emanuel Löwy, an archaeologist, and petting his dog Jofi. The next sequence was shot between 1934 and 1937 at Freud’s later summer home in Grinzing, now a district of Vienna. It shows Freud relaxing with a book while his wife Martha and her sister, Minna Bernays, do their sewing. The movies were made by Freud’s friend and patient Mark Brunswick, husband of the psychoanalyst Ruth Mack Brunswick, a close associate of Freud’s.
You can watch the complete 24-minute film from which these scenes were taken on YouTube. And you can view or download a series of annotated clips at the Freud Museum Web site.
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I am writing this comment at the end of November 2013; these videos have been on this website and available since May 2012. I am amazed that there have been no comments already on this site. Could the lack of comments be a sign that Freud’s overarching stature in the 20th century has been dissolved? At certain points in the 20th century a person could not have a discussion about almost any topic without an allusion to Freud and an attempt to interpret the phenomenon in a Freudian fashion. Nothing of the sort here. No one speculating about these videos and their meanings. Of the two European theorists of the late 19th century, Freud and Marx, it seems only Marx survives, unfortunately.
That psychoanalysis is now more honored in the breach should come as no surprise. Resistance to the uncovering of one’s own unconscious accounts for much rejection of its theories. The difficulty, cost, and length of treatment have had its effect as well. Most unpopular: the child is father of the man.
2 old farts ralking, quack, quack. Freud and his theories these days are “of historical interest” and nothing more.