Some filmÂmakÂers put stoÂryÂboards, those comÂic book-lookÂing shot plans you someÂtimes glimpse in makÂing-of docÂuÂmenÂtaries, at the cenÂter of their creÂative process. TerÂry Gilliam, he of Brazil and 12 MonÂkeys, has described stoÂryÂboards as the one thing he can safeÂly “lock onto” durÂing the comÂpliÂcatÂed, ever-shiftÂing shootÂing process. OthÂer filmÂmakÂers, such as the heartiÂly improÂviÂsaÂtionÂal WernÂer HerÂzog, have disÂmissed stoÂryÂboards as the tool of “cowÂards,” of “those who lack imagÂiÂnaÂtion,” of “those who are bureauÂcratÂic and nothÂing else on the set.” HavÂing spent sevÂen forÂmaÂtive years in art school, Alien and Blade RunÂner direcÂtor RidÂley Scott develÂops his films by thinkÂing as much through the frameÂwork of visuÂal art as through that of cinÂeÂma. In the video above, a laid-back Scott, cigÂar in hand, disÂcussÂes how stoÂryÂboards, sketchÂes, and othÂer pieces of hand-drawn imagery help him make movies.
Telling how he’s found locaÂtions, enviÂsioned scenes withÂin them, and used drawÂings to build those scenes, Scott offers an insight into the look and feel of his own work and useÂful advice to felÂlow creÂators, whether or not they work in a visuÂal mediÂum. His inspiÂraÂtion begins with an activÂiÂty as simÂple — but nonetheÂless a source of “great enjoyÂment” — as lookÂing at indusÂtriÂal landÂscapes out the winÂdow of a car. SomeÂtimes he even begins thumbÂnail sketchÂes then and there, in tranÂsit. Not only does his draftÂing backÂground enable him to do that, but it leads to closÂer workÂing relaÂtionÂships with his proÂfesÂsionÂal stoÂryÂboard artists. ConÂferÂring with them menÂtalÂly preÂpares him to “hit the floor” and shoot the scene. He reveals that, whether you’re directÂing a $120 milÂlion motion picÂture, paintÂing a paintÂing, or even writÂing a blog post, you face the same chalÂlenge: “Get rid of the white canÂvas. Get someÂthing right across the canÂvas. OthÂerÂwise you’re always lookÂing at that area of white, which is like a blank sheet.” He notes that his methÂods have led to some callÂing his films “overdeÂsigned and over-thought out,” but admits that, at this point, “I’ll probÂaÂbly just stay with the plan.”
via @webacion
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The MakÂing of Blade RunÂner
RidÂley Scott ReadÂies a PreÂquel to Alien; Guy Pearce Gives Its “TED Talk”
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
This is a good resource. It would be even more helpÂful if the mateÂrÂiÂal citÂed the oriÂgins of the mateÂrÂiÂal.
This video is an extra on the “HanÂniÂbal” DVD.