On MonÂday, we postÂed the Artist Series, short proÂfiles of varÂiÂous aesÂthetÂiÂcalÂly-oriÂentÂed creÂators by the late HillÂman CurÂtis. Today, please enjoy what feels like the jewÂel in the Artist Series’ crown, despite not offiÂcialÂly being part of it: CurÂtis’ proÂmoÂtionÂal docÂuÂmenÂtary on BriÂan Eno and David Byrne and their colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion on 2008’s EveryÂthing That HapÂpens HapÂpen Will HapÂpen Today.
CurÂtis interÂviews Eno and Byrne in their sepÂaÂrate workÂspaces, capÂtures their conÂverÂsaÂtions about parts of their songs, and even — preÂsumÂably in keepÂing with the album’s do-it-yourÂself proÂmoÂtionÂal spirÂit — lets them phoÂtoÂgraph one anothÂer. He also shows them doing what they do best when not creÂatÂing: cycling, of course, in Byrne’s case, and lookÂing penÂsiveÂly through winÂdows in Eno’s.
In none of these nine minÂutes do Byrne or Eno perÂform anyÂthing. CurÂtis doesÂn’t need them to; he taps instead into the comÂbiÂnaÂtion of articÂuÂlaÂcy, clarÂiÂty, and idioÂsynÂcrasy that has earned them nearÂly forty years of staÂtus as cereÂbral popÂuÂlar music icons. Just as the earÂly eightÂies’ nascent samÂpling techÂnolÂoÂgy gave Byrne and Eno a new frameÂwork with which to think about music when they recordÂed My Life in the Bush of Ghosts togethÂer, the abilÂiÂty to send sounds over the interÂnet and extenÂsiveÂly modÂiÂfy absoluteÂly any recordÂing after the fact shaped the conÂstrucÂtion of EveryÂthing That HapÂpens Will HapÂpen Today.
The resultÂing proÂducÂtion legitÂiÂmateÂly earns the critÂiÂcalÂly abused adjecÂtive “dreamÂlike” — have a lisÂten to the track “I Feel My Stuff” above — and the feel of CurÂtis’ video aligns with the feel of the album, using unblinkÂing gazes and driftÂing trackÂing shots that wouldÂn’t feel out of place in an ApichatÂpong Weerasethakul film. If you still want to see these guys actuÂalÂly play someÂthing, watch Ride, Rise, Roar (trailÂer here, clip below), CurÂtis’ conÂcert film of the Songs of David Byrne and BriÂan Eno Tour.
RelatÂed conÂtent
BriÂan Eno on CreÂatÂing Music and Art As ImagÂiÂnary LandÂscapes (1989)
David Byrne: From TalkÂing Heads FrontÂman to LeadÂing Urban Cyclist
SketchÂes of Artists by the Late New Media DesignÂer HillÂman CurÂtis
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
Let peoÂple bring about the truth in them and take advice to comÂply with rather than imposÂing on them supÂply side. Peace
PartÂly because being “articÂuÂlate” is not what I expect from David Byrne, and there’s nothÂing here to chalÂlenge that. CerÂtainÂly nothÂing that deserves a fake word.