In ImagÂiÂnary LandÂscapes, docÂuÂmenÂtarÂiÂans DunÂcan Ward and GabrielÂla CarÂdazÂzo paint an impresÂsionÂisÂtic video porÂtrait of BriÂan Eno: record proÂducÂer, visuÂal artist, colÂlabÂoÂraÂtor with the likes of U2 and David Bowie, ambiÂent music-inventÂing musiÂcian, self-proÂclaimed “synÂtheÂsist,” earÂly memÂber of Roxy Music, and co-creÂator of the Oblique StrateÂgies. Even if you’ve nevÂer hanÂdled an actuÂal deck of Oblique StrateÂgies cards — and few have — you’ve sureÂly heard one or two of the StrateÂgies themÂselves in the air: “HonÂor thy error as a hidÂden intenÂtion.” “The most imporÂtant thing is the most easÂiÂly forÂgotÂten.” “Do someÂthing borÂing.” The idea is to draw a card and folÂlow its edict whenÂevÂer you hit a creÂative block. This should, in theÂoÂry, get you around the block, no matÂter what you’re tryÂing to creÂate. Eno first pubÂlished the Oblique StrateÂgies with painter Peter Schmidt in 1975, and here in ImagÂiÂnary LandÂscapes, fourÂteen years latÂer, you can hear him still excitÂed about the cards’ basic premise: if you folÂlow arbiÂtrary rules and theÂoÂretÂiÂcal posiÂtions, they’ll lead you to creÂative deciÂsions you nevÂer would have othÂerÂwise made.
This short docÂuÂmenÂtary comÂbines interÂviews of Eno with footage of him craftÂing sounds in his stuÂdio, simÂuÂlatÂing the echoes of a cave, say, then turnÂing that cave into a liqÂuid. It weaves these segÂments togethÂer with a trip through AmerÂiÂcan cities like Los AngeÂles, San FranÂcisÂco, and New York, then back to the WoodÂbridge, SufÂfolk of Eno’s youth, then on to Venice, one of the world’s places that draws him irreÂsistibly with its waterÂiÂness. Place itself emerges as one of Eno’s driÂving conÂcepts, not simÂply as a source of inspiÂraÂtion (though it seems to work that way for his video MisÂtakÂen MemÂoÂries of Medieval ManÂhatÂtan), but as a form. When Eno talks about makÂing albums, or images, or instalÂlaÂtions, he talks about them as places for audiÂences to exist. In any physÂiÂcal place, you’re preÂsentÂed with a cerÂtain set of choicÂes. You can’t always tell the delibÂerÂateÂly designed eleÂments from the “natÂurÂal” ones, and havÂing a rich expeÂriÂence demands that you activeÂly use your own awareÂness. This, so Eno explains, guides how he builds “places” — imagÂiÂnary landÂscapes, if you will — for lisÂtenÂers, galleryÂgoÂers, recordÂing artists, or himÂself, tryÂing to open up “the spaces between catÂeÂgories” and “make use of the watcher’s brain as part of the process.” Look into his more recent projects, like his iPhone apps or his colÂlabÂoÂraÂtions with bands like ColdÂplay or his tourÂing exhiÂbiÂtion 77 MilÂlion PaintÂings, and you’ll find him buildÂing them still.
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
I couldÂn’t seem to find this clip, either through the link or direectÂly in YouTube. Has it been pulled?
Alguien sabe el nomÂbre del primer tema, musiÂca de fonÂdo