DurÂing his short lifeÂtime, Jean-Michel Basquiat made a big impresÂsion on the art world. As the teenage son of a HaitÂian father and PuerÂto Rican-AmerÂiÂcan mothÂer, he began spray-paintÂing grafÂfiÂti on walls in LowÂer ManÂhatÂtan in the late 1970s, and withÂin a few years he emerged as a leadÂing expoÂnent of the Neo-ExpresÂsionÂism MoveÂment that flourÂished in the 1980s.
When Basquiat was 19 he met the Pop artist Andy Warhol, and the two men formed a close conÂnecÂtion. In VicÂtor BockÂris’s Warhol: A BiogÂraÂphy, long-time Warhol assisÂtant RonÂny Cutrone describes the relaÂtionÂship:
It was like some crazy art-world marÂriage and they were the odd couÂple. The relaÂtionÂship was symÂbiÂotÂic. Jean-Michel thought he needÂed Andy’s fame, and Andy thought he needÂed Jean-Michel’s new blood. Jean-Michel gave Andy a rebelÂlious image again.
In this scene from the British docÂuÂmenÂtary series, State of the Art, we catch a glimpse of the two togethÂer in 1986, just a year before Warhol’s untimeÂly death due to comÂpliÂcaÂtions from surgery, and two year’s before BasquiÂet died of an overÂdose of heroÂin. He was only 27 years old.
Note: If you have probÂlems hearÂing the sound, please turn your comÂputÂer speakÂers up, and make sure the volÂume bar in the YouTube video (lowÂer left) is cranked up.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
VinÂtage Footage of PicasÂso and JackÂson PolÂlock PaintÂing … Through Glass
via @JesseBDylan
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