Carl Sagan left a big void when he died in 1996. His eloÂquence, his pasÂsion for explainÂing sciÂence to a wider pubÂlic, made him a major culÂturÂal figÂure in late 20th cenÂtuÂry AmerÂiÂca. Now a new voice is emergÂing. Neil deGrasse Tyson, like Sagan, is an astronomer and physiÂcist with a remarkÂable gift for speakÂing about the beauÂty and imporÂtance of sciÂence. Like Sagan, he hosts a PBS teleÂviÂsion proÂgram (NOVA SciÂenÂceNOW) and appears freÂquentÂly on talk shows. The passÂing of the torch will become obviÂous next year, when Tyson hosts the sequel to Sagan’s ground-breakÂing 1980 TV series, CosÂmos. Tyson’s conÂnecÂtion to Sagan actuÂalÂly began at a very young age. In the video clip above, Tyson tells Ted Simons of the regionÂal PBS show AriÂzona HoriÂzon the stoÂry of a remarkÂable act of genÂerosÂiÂty by Sagan when Tyson was only a teenagÂer. If it whets your appetite, be sure to watch the comÂplete 25-minute interÂview below. And don’t miss our very popÂuÂlar relatÂed post: Neil deGrasse Tyson Lists 8 (Free) Books Every IntelÂliÂgent PerÂson Should Read.
Good stuff.
Thanks for the interÂview!
Your eloÂquence is amazÂing. As black mdam l am so proud of you. I must meet some time soon.