An IngÂmar Bergman retÂroÂspecÂtive begins next month here in Los AngeÂles, and as I mark my calÂenÂdar, I reflect on what turned me on to his films in the first place. Who can approach Bergman now withÂout first runÂning a culÂturÂal gauntÂlet of knowÂing refÂerÂences, gushÂing appreÂciÂaÂtions, and conÂtrarÂiÂan broadÂsides? What young cinephile could resist the tempÂtaÂtion to inflate an opinÂion about The SevÂenth Seal, or Wild StrawÂberÂries, or PerÂsona after seeÂing them for the first time — or indeed, before? We could all benÂeÂfit from someÂone to show us the way into the “Swedish masÂter’s” loaded, time-conÂsumÂing filÂmogÂraÂphy, and as this BBC interÂview by film critÂic Mark KerÂmode reveals (watch Part 1 above, and Part 2 here), Woody Allen could well be it.
Allen holds a surÂprisÂingÂly plauÂsiÂble claim to the title of Bergman’s numÂber-one fan, or at least his most promiÂnent one. How to square his dedÂiÂcaÂtion to these solemn Swedish medÂiÂtaÂtions on morÂtalÂiÂty, emoÂtionÂal isoÂlaÂtion, and the imposÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of faith with his creÂation of beloved light comeÂdies like Bananas, SleepÂer, and Annie Hall? But watch Allen’s filÂmogÂraÂphy in full, espeÂcialÂly picÂtures like Love and Death, Crimes and MisÂdeÂmeanors, and ShadÂows and Fog, and the answer comes into view. MorÂtalÂiÂty, emoÂtionÂal isoÂlaÂtion, the imposÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of faith — Bergman’s preÂocÂcuÂpaÂtions are Allen’s, but Allen grapÂples with the unanÂswerÂable quesÂtions by makÂing jokes about them. What Allen describes as a “theÂmatÂic conÂnecÂtion” to Bergman ultiÂmateÂly becomes a much more comÂpliÂcatÂed entanÂgleÂment: his hirÂing of Bergman’s cinÂeÂmatogÂraÂphÂer Sven Nykvist to shoot AnothÂer Woman, Crimes and MisÂdeÂmeanors, and CelebriÂty, for instance, sugÂgests someÂthing beyond simÂple influÂence.
In conÂverÂsaÂtion with KerÂmode, Allen rememÂbers joinÂing the vanÂguard of New York Bergman enthuÂsiÂasm after seeÂing SumÂmer with MoniÂka and The Naked Night, films that, to his mind, disÂplayed an obviÂousÂly highÂer levÂel of craft than anyÂthing else playÂing in town. The days when disÂcovÂerÂing Bergman realÂly meant disÂcovÂerÂing Bergman have long passed, but it will nevÂer be too late to feel the same exciteÂment Allen did about Bergman’s abilÂiÂty to express interÂnal conÂflicts — “inner states of anxÂiÂety,” Allen calls them — so richÂly and draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly on film. The Woody Allen-approved points of entry for the Bergman novice: The SevÂenth Seal, Wild StrawÂberÂries, and Cries and WhisÂpers “for sure.” And maybe The MagiÂcian. H/T @opedr
RelatÂed conÂtent:
IngÂmar Bergman VisÂits Dick Cavett, 1971
IngÂmar Bergman’s Soap ComÂmerÂcials Wash Away the ExisÂtenÂtial Despair
Meetin’ WA: Jean-Luc Godard Meets Woody Allen
Also don’t miss Hubert DreyÂfus’ course on ExisÂtenÂtialÂism & Film (iTunes) in our colÂlecÂtion of 400 Free CoursÂes Online.
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
Hi! Just wonÂderÂing where the IngÂmar Bergman retÂroÂspecÂtive will be held in LA.
StuÂdent: The Aero in SanÂta MonÂiÂca. Starts March 1st.