It’s more than a theme park. It’s an iconÂic AmerÂiÂcan instiÂtuÂtion, a symÂbol of an imagÂined GoldÂen Age in AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry, and a site of many good childÂhood memÂoÂries. We’re talkÂing about DisÂneyÂland. ConÂstrucÂtion began in July 1954 in rurÂal AnaÂheim, CalÂiÂforÂnia, and the park opened but a year latÂer in July 1955. And, thanks to this newÂly-cleaned up piece of footage, you can see Walt’s “magÂiÂcal park” just a short two years latÂer. The babies in the strollers are likeÂly grandÂparÂents today. But the park still looks much the same. DisÂney HisÂtoÂry InstiÂtute offers more comÂmenÂtary on the clip here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Walt DisÂney Presents the Super CarÂtoon CamÂera
How Walt DisÂney CarÂtoons Are Made
Disney’s Oscar-WinÂning AdvenÂtures in Music
DonÂald Duck Wants You to Pay Your TaxÂes (1943)
I was struck by how nobody in the film was smilÂing… At DisÂneyÂland.….
That’s because they were stunned to have paid around $3.95 for each famÂiÂly memÂber to get in…