With the SepÂtemÂber 11, 2001 terÂrorÂist attacks and the emoÂtionÂal whiplash that folÂlowed, the monotheÂisÂtic reliÂgions of the West took a more striÂdentÂly politÂiÂcal turn. It was in this conÂtext that Jonathan Miller, the British theÂatre and opera direcÂtor, felt comÂpelled to creÂate a three-part docÂuÂmenÂtary tracÂing the hisÂtoÂry of reliÂgious skepÂtiÂcism and disÂbeÂlief.
BroadÂcast by the BBC in 2004 under the title, AtheÂism: A Rough HisÂtoÂry of DisÂbeÂlief, the series wasÂn’t broadÂcast by PBS in AmerÂiÂca until 2007, and only after “AtheÂism” had been removed from the title and the word “rough” changed to “brief.”
“I’m rather relucÂtant to call myself an atheÂist,” Miller says at the outÂset. “It’s only in the light of such curÂrent conÂtroÂverÂsies with regard to belief that I’ve found myself willÂing to explicÂitÂly articÂuÂlate my disÂbeÂlief.”
Miller goes on to guide the viewÂer through the hisÂtoric evoÂluÂtion of reliÂgious doubt, from the skepÂtiÂcism of Greek and Roman philosoÂphers to the Deism of EnlightÂenÂment intelÂlecÂtuÂals and the emerÂgence of explicÂit atheÂism in the writÂings of the 18th cenÂtuÂry French arisÂtoÂcrat Paul-HenÂri Thiry, the Baron d’HolÂbach, who wrote in his SysÂtème de la Nature:
If we go back to the beginÂning we shall find that ignoÂrance and fear creÂatÂed the gods; that fanÂcy, enthuÂsiÂasm, or deceit adorned or disÂfigÂured them; that weakÂness worÂships them; that creduliÂty preÂserves them; and that cusÂtom, respect and tyranÂny supÂport them in order to make the blindÂness of men serve its own interÂests.
Miller also talks with a numÂber of well-known conÂtemÂpoÂrary atheÂists, includÂing playÂwright Arthur Miller, physiÂcist Steven WeinÂberg and philosoÂpher ColÂin McGinn. Episode One: ShadÂows of Doubt appears above, in its entireÂty, with the othÂer two episodes: “Noughts and CrossÂes” and “The Final Hour.”
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Steve MarÂtin Writes Song for Hymn-Deprived AtheÂists
AtheÂist StanÂford BiolÂoÂgist Robert SapolÂsky Explains How ReliÂgious Beliefs Reduce Stress
This series was very good.
I don’t believe he underÂstood the difÂferÂence between being an AtheÂist or an AgnosÂtic.
For my part, I am an AgnosÂtic. I live a more chrisÂtÂian type of life then most chrisÂtens. When I die, I will be dead, the end.
C9419, you make it clear that it’s YOU who does not underÂstand the disÂtincÂtion. One is about belief, the othÂer knowlÂedge. Many atheÂists are also agnosÂtic. AgnosÂtiÂcism isn’t some “midÂdle-ground”. EduÂcate yourÂself before you try to eduÂcate othÂers.
It’s a bit rubÂbish that Miller gets cut off right at the end!
here is a betÂter upload of part 3 — doesÂn’t cut off the last moments. nnhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft2SypNRvUk&list=PLBC236B825151FAC7
link doesÂn’t work :(
Why do proÂducÂers of such intelÂliÂgent proÂgrams insist on insertÂing nsound effects, noisÂes, so-called music which “dumb down” . It’s like drawÂing a musÂtache on the Mona Lisa.
The QuesÂtion Of The ExisÂtence of God:
LogÂiÂcalÂly as the result of sufÂferÂing in the world there is no approÂpriÂate explaÂnaÂtion that could jutiÂfy a carring,or existÂing God.
Mind is Everything,and WithÂout Mind there is NothÂing seems corÂrect.
The probÂlem is for those who have had interÂvenÂtion of entiÂties unknown by way of voices,etc,there is a quesÂtion which canÂnot be answered othÂer than to say the mind is playÂing tricks.This is not suitÂable for many.
My posiÂtion is some sort of conÂscious force exist that for a select group for whatÂevÂer reaÂsons are comÂmuÂniÂcatÂed with,
JusÂtice does not rule with this force.I have done nothÂing special,yet I have been conÂtactÂed when havÂing life thretenÂing experiences,and on othÂer occaÂsions.
It has been implied that some are more recepÂtive than others,and that is why all are not conÂscious of the force.
I call it God Force,but it can be called what you please.
The Force has ask me what I want to do,or that I would be okay.It nevÂer has told me what to do,or talked about bad things I have done.
My conÂnecÂtion with the force is rare.I do not pray to it.I only think of it on occaÂsion.
Since I have been ask by the force if I wantÂed to live,or die on sevÂerÂal occasions,and I am not dead when I should have been I believe in the force,but no not why,or what it is.It nevÂer statÂed to me who,or what it was.
I don’t believe,but do believe in the God Force as it seemed to be able to give me a choice.
If it is all in the mind,so be it.
WalÂter Haas—God Bless AmerÂiÂca
As a recovÂerÂing catholic and old fart. First rate inforÂmaÂtion. Thank you. : )
Does anyÂone know how to buy the DVD?
As a PresÂbyÂterÂian so extreme as to have become an atheÂist, this gave me a new appreÂciÂaÂtion of the comÂic Series “Calvin and Hobbes”.
Does anyÂone know how to purÂchase the DVD or series in any forÂmat? I’m tryÂing to find it anyÂwhere either to purÂchase the streamÂing or any form of media dvd/bluray etc. Any ideas?
But … who is Jesus?
It seems that the third part has disÂapÂpeared. That is unforÂtuÂnate.
Hi WalÂter
I too have received mesÂsages from your so-called God Force.
I am a self described PanÂtheÂist in the broadÂer sense of the defÂiÂnÂiÂtion.
I believe old souls are not morÂtals, but spirÂiÂtuÂal enerÂgy forces that inhabÂit our physÂiÂcal bodÂies throughÂout life and get seperÂatÂed from their host body at death and tranÂscend to anothÂer dimenÂsion in a parÂalÂlel uniÂverse. String theÂoÂry may have some explaÂnaÂtion for this.
In that light, there are no epiphaÂnies, no good or bad luck, only mesÂsages sent from old souls and received by a choÂsen few.
I am not atheÂist or agnosÂtic. I believe a being or entiÂty exists that creÂatÂed life as we know it.
I think reliÂgions serves most peoÂple as a way to define their exisÂtence and purÂpose. A simÂple way of explainÂing where we come from and where we are going. LivÂing in a box. They need hope and dread the lack of intelÂlecÂtuÂal abilÂiÂty and effort to doubt such a simÂple explaÂnaÂtion.
That’s my take on the matÂter.
David RobÂbins
Do you inherÂit your soul from you mothÂers or fathers side? And when and where does this spirÂit come from?
Either link it says Video 3 is PriÂvate, I canÂnot access it al all!
Please, How can we access Video 3. I shared with my Freethought group and we are all tryÂing to watch all 3 before next meetÂing, Now everyÂbody is askÂing me! {Help!
Request for sciÂenÂtifÂic and culÂturÂal coopÂerÂaÂtion: dance from the perÂspecÂtive of AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions. Iran, Qom
InterÂnaÂtionÂal dance conÂferÂence from the perÂspecÂtive of AbraÂhamÂic and non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions
HelÂlo dear
I am Ali RezaÂei from Qom, Iran. The subÂject of my PhD theÂsis was “Dance based on Shia Jafari jurispruÂdence”. This theÂsis was preÂsentÂed in the semÂiÂnary of Qom. In this theÂsis, which became a book, imporÂtant topÂics are disÂcussed: the hisÂtoÂry of dance in Islam. TraÂdiÂtions of proÂhiÂbiÂtion and perÂmisÂsion of dancÂing in Shia and SunÂni. ProÂhiÂbiÂtion and perÂmisÂsion of dancÂing in Shia and SunÂni jurispruÂdence. ExamÂinÂing new dances from the point of view of Shia jurispruÂdence; Such as artisÂtic dances, school dances, therÂaÂpeuÂtic dances, sports dances and reliÂgious dances such as Sama dance. This research, with its scope, still needs addiÂtionÂal research and disÂcusÂsion with experts.
Some topÂics that need more research and disÂcusÂsion with uniÂverÂsiÂty and dance experts are: indiÂvidÂual freeÂdom and reliÂgious restricÂtions with a dance approach, the hisÂtoÂry of dealÂing with the pheÂnomÂeÂnon of dance in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions (Islam, Judaism, ChrisÂtianÂiÂty), the nature. Dance and its funcÂtions in non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions (HinÂduism, BudÂdhism, ShinÂto, Tao, ConÂfuÂcianÂism, etc.), femÂiÂninÂiÂty of dance: from the perÂspecÂtive of hisÂtoÂry and culÂture, the nature of sports dances and its types, the nature of therÂaÂpeuÂtic dance and its funcÂtion, the role of dance in the sysÂtem EleÂmenÂtary eduÂcaÂtion with the approach of sports dances, the culÂturÂal or politÂiÂcal nature of dance and the taboo nature of dance in reliÂgious sociÂeties, invesÂtiÂgatÂing the tenÂdenÂcy to dance in non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions.
I hope that with your coopÂerÂaÂtion I can comÂplete this research and pubÂlish it interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly. This research is not supÂportÂed sciÂenÂtifÂiÂcalÂly and finanÂcialÂly in Iran due to the hatred of dance. I look forÂward to your help and I hope that with your coopÂerÂaÂtion, we will estabÂlish a sciÂenÂtifÂic-reliÂgious coopÂerÂaÂtion.
1. The pubÂliÂcaÂtion and transÂlaÂtion of books on the topÂic of dance is allowed under copyÂright.
2. This book and the plan of the interÂnaÂtionÂal conÂferÂence “Dance from the perÂspecÂtive of AbraÂhamÂic and non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions” have been sent to uniÂverÂsiÂties, dance comÂpaÂnies and the UNESCO orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, and you are not alone in supÂportÂing this plan and conÂferÂence.
3. The book report and the result of this research will be preÂsentÂed at the interÂnaÂtionÂal dance conÂferÂence, and if needÂed, it will be taught in a short course at your uniÂverÂsiÂty or instiÂtute.
4. The femÂiÂninÂiÂty of dance and women is an imporÂtant issue in the disÂcusÂsion of dance from the point of view of IslamÂic reliÂgion and IslamÂic hisÂtoÂry. Now extreme MusÂlims (Shia and SunÂni) have a probÂlem with female dancers and punÂish them for dancÂing. IslamÂic traÂdiÂtions are also difÂferÂent about womÂen’s dance. This issue is the most imporÂtant chalÂlenge of Islam and AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions in research and social issues relatÂed to dance.
5. InterÂnaÂtionÂal Dance ConÂferÂence:
A) This conÂferÂence is in colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion with UNESCO (repÂreÂsentÂing the world comÂmuÂniÂty), the VatÂiÂcan (repÂreÂsentÂing ChrisÂtianÂiÂty), Azhar UniÂverÂsiÂty in Egypt (repÂreÂsentÂing SunÂnis), Najaf Ashraf SemÂiÂnary (repÂreÂsentÂing Jafari ShiÂites) and the Union of RabÂbis of IslamÂic CounÂtries. will be held. held by the Jews).
b) This conÂferÂence is held every two years in one of the five conÂtiÂnents. Its perÂmaÂnent secÂreÂtariÂat is at the World Dance OrgaÂniÂzaÂtion in Paris.
c) The purÂpose of holdÂing this conÂferÂence is to clear the conÂfuÂsion of art, music and dance from the point of view of scholÂars of AbraÂhamÂic and non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions.
d) This conÂferÂence will be held with the presÂence of scholÂars and uniÂverÂsiÂty proÂfesÂsors and dance theÂoÂrists.
e) This conÂferÂence will have four main comÂmisÂsions: reliÂgion and dance, women and dance, hisÂtoÂry and dance, sociÂety (culÂture) and dance.
f) The expensÂes of the conÂferÂence are proÂvidÂed by charÂiÂties and uniÂverÂsiÂties and it has no govÂernÂment or reliÂgious affilÂiÂaÂtion.
g) In addiÂtion to this sciÂenÂtifÂic conÂferÂence, teleÂviÂsion proÂgrams and docÂuÂmenÂtaries with the presÂence of experts will be proÂduced and broadÂcast about the varÂiÂous aspects of dance from the perÂspecÂtive of AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions and in the hisÂtoÂry and today of IslamÂic sociÂeties (Shia and SunÂni).
h) This meetÂing will be a modÂel for othÂer chalÂlengÂing culÂturÂal and artisÂtic issues in AbraÂhamÂic and non-AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions. TopÂics such as: WomÂen’s idenÂtiÂty in AbraÂhamÂic litÂerÂaÂture. Music in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions, clothÂing and clothÂing in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions, paintÂing and sculpÂture in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions. Games and enterÂtainÂment in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions. HapÂpiÂness in AbraÂhamÂic reliÂgions
j) This meetÂing will bring the conÂverÂgence of reliÂgions and reliÂgions in chalÂlengÂing culÂturÂal-artisÂtic issues and will turn your instiÂtuÂtion into a cenÂter for the disÂcusÂsion of civÂiÂlizaÂtions and reliÂgions and the cenÂter of disÂcourse of reliÂgions and reliÂgions. This interÂnaÂtionÂal event will be your honÂor and I will be hapÂpy to share in this honÂor. I hope for your wise deciÂsion and the cenÂter. A deciÂsion that will have strong media covÂerÂage and will affect sevÂerÂal bilÂlions of folÂlowÂers of difÂferÂent reliÂgions and inform all of them about the parÂticÂiÂpants of the conÂferÂence and this conÂferÂence.
Ali RezaÂei
Iran. Qom
Resume sumÂmaÂry
Year of birth: 1971
Place of birth: Najaf Ashraf, Iraq
IranÂian nationÂalÂiÂty
OccuÂpaÂtion: researcher and writer: screenÂwriter, expert in IslamÂic hisÂtoÂry and ShiÂite jurispruÂdence.
Degree: Ph.D. from the semÂiÂnary of Qom (with the title of dance from the point of view of the Jafari sect)
MasÂter’s degree: FacÂulÂty of BroadÂcastÂing, Qom branch
ReliÂgious sciÂences: parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in the advanced coursÂes of AyaÂtolÂlah Vahid KhoÂrasani, the late AyaÂtolÂlah Javad Tabrizi, Seyyed Ahmed Madi Mousavi (jurispruÂdence and prinÂciÂples).
Address: Iran. Qom. Rouhani St
Kausar4. NumÂber 326.