Coinciding with the release of Blade Runner in 1982, David Scroggy published the Blade Runner Sketchbook, a book with 100+ production drawings and artwork for Ridley Scott’s classic sci-fi film. The sketchbook features visual work by Scott himself, artist Mentor Huebner, and costume designer Charles Knode, but most notably a slew of drawings by artist, futurist, and illustrator Syd Mead.
As Comics Alliance notes, this sketchbook has been out of print for years and scant few paper copies remain available for purchase. So digital versions have filled the void online, and now comes this: a version that lets you revel in the Blade Runner artwork in full-screen mode. Enter the sketchbook by clicking the image above or below. (The book itself is hosted at Once you get there, click the images and they’ll fill your screen.
Enjoy, and while you’re at it, don’t miss some related items:
Blade Runner is a Waste of Time: Siskel & Ebert in 1982
It is interesting that Syd Mead’s high-end cars are all low-profile speedsters. The eminent auto designer did not foresee the coming of the SUV era when he drew these pictures in the 80’s.
Sadly the sketchbook does not appear to be available at anymore. Perhaps someone else has another link where I can enjoy it?