It’s becomÂing a trend. Around the counÂtry, policeÂmen are pepÂper sprayÂing peaceÂful proÂtesÂtors. It startÂed in NYC when Tony Bologna, one of New York’s finest, pepÂper sprayed a group of young women already corÂdoned off by a police barÂriÂer. Next they manÂaged to get an 84 year old woman in SeatÂtle. And now LieuÂtenant John Pike gives UC Davis proÂtesÂtors a face full of pepÂper spray, even though they were peaceÂfulÂly seatÂed on the ground. To make things worse, “When stuÂdents covÂered their eyes with their clothÂing, police forced open their mouths and pepÂper-sprayed down their throats,” or so claims Nathan Brown, an assisÂtant proÂfesÂsor in the EngÂlish DepartÂment. (You can read a first-hand stuÂdent account here.)
IniÂtialÂly the chanÂcelÂlor of the uniÂverÂsiÂty, LinÂda P.B. KateÂhi, appeared to defend the police action. But, as the video above went viral, she began changÂing her tune and callÂing for an invesÂtiÂgaÂtion into the matÂter. NothÂing like a litÂtle transÂparenÂcy … and some pubÂlic shamÂing (below) … to make peoÂple see the light.
You can read a fuller account of FriÂday’s events in the UC Davis newsÂpaÂper. Also don’t miss the paper’s colÂlecÂtion of phoÂtos on Flickr. And I’d also recÂomÂmend the analyÂsis by James FalÂlows over at The Atlantic. Here’s the monÂey quote:
I can’t see any legitÂiÂmate basis for police action like what is shown here. Watch that first minute and think how we’d react if we saw it comÂing from some riot-conÂtrol unit in ChiÂna, or in SyrÂia. The calm of the offiÂcer who walks up and in a leisureÂly way pepÂper-sprays unarmed and pasÂsive peoÂple right in the face? We’d think: this is what hapÂpens when authorÂiÂty is unacÂcountÂable and has lost any sense of human conÂnecÂtion to a subÂject popÂuÂlaÂtion. That’s what I think here.
And perÂhaps we can add this thought. If you’re the chanÂcelÂlor, the perÂson charged with overÂseeÂing the eduÂcaÂtion and welÂfare of stuÂdents, you shouldÂn’t recÂogÂnize the probÂlem with FriÂday’s events only when the politÂiÂcal heat gets turned up. Talk about a lack of human conÂnecÂtion.…
OffiÂcers in pepÂper spray inciÂdent placed on leave
Learn about pepÂper spray and the harm it does
This police behavÂior is beyond shameÂful. Our conÂstiÂtuÂtion guarÂanÂtees freeÂdom of assemÂbly and speech. This is not conÂdiÂtioned by agreeÂment with preÂvailÂing myths about the AmerÂiÂcan dream, now apparÂentÂly in its death ratÂtle.
The essence of these protests by the 99% is pure patriÂoÂtism, not crimÂiÂnalÂiÂty. The crowds protest the crimÂiÂnalÂiÂty of the 1%. The same 1% that has destroyed penÂsion sysÂtems that ironÂiÂcalÂly include the police.
One can only hope that we do not return to the state vioÂlence of Kent State. We must nevÂer forÂget our hisÂtoÂry. In those times, the old despised the young proÂtestÂers, today we are resÂoÂnant souls. If our sysÂtem does not serve the many, it must be revised. This reviÂsion is clearÂly overÂdue. It has been a long time in the makÂing.
No one in powÂer should imagÂine that the disÂconÂtent is not uniÂverÂsal, cutÂting across all citÂiÂzens. There is no quesÂtion that there will be broad-based change. The quesÂtion is will we make these changes peaceÂfulÂly and incluÂsiveÂly, or will they be borne out of vioÂlence. The earÂly indiÂcaÂtions are not good.
Here in Utah a group of PoliÂneÂsians were recientÂly pepÂper-sprayed. They weren’t even protestÂing… They were just tryÂing to do an ethÂnic dance at footÂball game in a rurÂal town.
The vioÂlence we’ve seen seems natÂurÂal enough to me. MonÂeyed peoÂple and powÂerÂful corÂpoÂraÂtions have used govÂernÂment to become more monÂeyed and more powÂerÂful for some three decades. Also, we’ve dehuÂmanÂized left proÂtestÂers at least since the 60s, and conÂtinÂue to do so even in the most left-symÂpaÂthetÂic parts of the media (The DaiÂly Show and CNN, e.g.), nevÂer mind the right. So we have a clash of cirÂcumÂstances and attiÂtudes.
To my mind the best soluÂtion is to fire cops who comÂmit vioÂlence against peaceÂful proÂtestÂers. Not to do so, comÂbined with the fact that the proÂtestÂers are already dehuÂmanÂized, encourÂage more. PeoÂple might review MilÂgram and ZimÂbarÂdo on YouTube for examÂples of the powÂer of de-humanÂizaÂtion.
My famÂiÂly has fought for the freeÂdom of this counÂtry since they arrived in the 17th cenÂtuÂry and to see what this counÂtry has become…
I find it a deplorable act of barÂbarism perÂpeÂtratÂed by the police on this camÂpus.
AnothÂer great (and recordÂed) act of powÂer going to someÂone’s head. If peaceÂful demonÂstraÂtions are done this, what is next? BetÂter hope none of these guys are on trafÂfic duty, they may pisÂtol whip you or even shoot you for speedÂing. The sociÂety is breakÂing down and this is just anothÂer examÂple.