A litÂtle gift from Moby to filmÂmakÂers. If you’re an indie filmÂmakÂer, non-profÂit filmÂmakÂer or film stuÂdent, you can head to MobyGratis.com, regÂisÂter for the site, and then start browsÂing through a fairÂly extenÂsive catÂaÂlogue of recordÂings — 150 recordÂings in total.
As Moby tells us, you can “downÂload whatÂevÂer you want to use in your film or video or short. The music is free as long as it’s being used in a non-comÂmerÂcial or non-profÂit film, video, or short.”
If you’re a comÂmerÂcial filmÂmakÂer, don’t fret. Moby gives you the option to license the music, and the monÂey will be donatÂed to the humane sociÂety.
FinalÂly, film lovers, don’t miss our colÂlecÂtion of 1100 Free Movies Online. It includes all kinds of good clasÂsics, westÂerns, docÂuÂmenÂtaries, noir films and more.
Moby fans will also want to see this othÂer freeÂbie: Moby Lets You DownÂload 4 Hours of AmbiÂent Music to Help You Sleep, MedÂiÂtate, Do Yoga & Not PanÂic
via KotÂtke
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This is truÂly genÂerÂous. I like some of his music.
“humane sociÂety” or Humane SociÂety?
Dear, I am a moviemakÂer and I am going to parteÂciÂpate to an italÂian conÂtest in a week. That is why I would like to use some songs of your webÂsite in my videos. How much do I have to pay to use the songs? WaitÂing for an answer.
Best regards,
Lucia PariselÂla
I am the ownÂer of a very small busiÂness. I made a proÂmoÂtionÂal video for a techÂnolÂoÂgy that my comÂpaÂny develÂoped that will help the enviÂronÂment by sensÂing leaks in oil and gas pipelines before they become a probÂlem. I would like to use part of your song Inside and part of EverlovÂing. Is this posÂsiÂble? I will look for your reply.
Thank you