The Fabric of the Cosmos, Exploring Mysteries of Physics, Kicks Off with Live Webcast Tonight

The­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist Bri­an Greene returns to PBS, this time pre­sent­ing The Fab­ric of the Cos­mos, a four-part look at the “mind-bog­gling real­i­ty beneath the sur­face of our every­day world.” The first seg­ment, “What Is Space?,” airs tonight at 9pm. Then come the remain­ing install­ments — “The Illu­sion of Time” (11/9), “Quan­tum Leap” (11/16), and “Uni­verse or Mul­ti­verse?” (11/23). If you can’t catch the episodes on TV, they will be streamed online too at

Bonus: At 10 pm east­ern time tonight, PBS will host a live, inter­ac­tive web­cast with Bri­an Greene and some spe­cial guests: renowned the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist Leonard Susskind (watch his the­o­ret­i­cal physics cours­es online) and Saul Perl­mut­ter, win­ner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics. Togeth­er, they will “explore how sci­en­tists are piec­ing togeth­er the most com­plete pic­ture yet of space, time, and the uni­verse.” Get more details on the live event here.

Unre­lat­ed bonus: Tonight, at 6 pm east­ern time, MoMA will stream online “The Lan­guage of Objects,” a con­ver­sa­tion fea­tur­ing Ken­neth Gold­smith, poet; Ben Green­man, author and edi­tor, The New York­er; Leanne Shap­ton, illus­tra­tor, author, and pub­lish­er; and Cin­tra Wil­son, cul­ture crit­ic. Get more infor­ma­tion and watch here.

via Boing­Bo­ing

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