AlexanÂder Tsiaras has made a career of using advances in visuÂalÂizaÂtion techÂnolÂoÂgy to offer vivid tours of the human body. His books have takÂen readÂers inside the human heart, the kidÂneys and vasÂcuÂlar sysÂtem, and also human reproÂducÂtion. Back in 2002, Tsiaras pubÂlished From ConÂcepÂtion to Birth: A Life Unfolds, a book that offers a “visuÂal diary of fetal develÂopÂment.” Now, nearÂly a decade latÂer, he brings that visuÂal diary to video at a conÂferÂence affilÂiÂatÂed with TED. The visuÂals are impresÂsive. There’s no denyÂing that. But what might leave you cold (or not) is his willÂingÂness to talk about human develÂopÂment in terms of “mysÂtery, magÂic, and divinÂiÂty” rather than tryÂing to grapÂple with any sciÂenÂtifÂic analyÂsis. Is this a nod to “IntelÂliÂgent Design”? Or an unforÂtuÂnate byprodÂuct of the short talk forÂmat? Who knows.…
The best sciÂenÂtists have always acknowlÂedged the mysÂtiÂcal, whether in the develÂopÂment of life, the nuclei of atoms, or the span of the uniÂverse.
I’d say a strong nod to intelÂliÂgent design since he says“hard not to attribute divinÂiÂty to it” 1:22
From a ferÂvent ChrisÂtÂian who realÂly appreÂciÂates your site.…
“There’s no denyÂing that. But what might leave you cold (or not) is his willÂingÂness to talk about human develÂopÂment in terms of “mysÂtery, magÂic, and divinÂiÂty” rather than tryÂing to grapÂple with any sciÂenÂtifÂic analyÂsis.”
Good grief. I’m sure he’s not opposed to sciÂenÂtifÂic analyÂsis, but I get the feelÂing that you are hesÂiÂtant to do speak of anyÂthing but that…
What realÂly leaves us cold?
My take: