It all startÂed when filmÂmakÂer Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Where the Wild Things Are) met handÂbag designÂer Olympia Le-Tan and asked her to creÂate a CatchÂer in the Rye embroiÂdery for his wall. She asked him to colÂlabÂoÂrate on a film in return. And so Jonze and Le-Tan, togethÂer with French direcÂtor Simon Cahn, spent six months writÂing a script, then aniÂmatÂing 3,000 pieces of felt cut by Le-Tan herÂself. The result is Mourir Auprès de Toi (To Die By Your Side), a short stop motion film set inside the famous Parisian bookÂstore, ShakeÂspeare and ComÂpaÂny, and it feaÂtures a skeleÂton, his lover, and some famous book covÂers that spring to life.
For more backÂstoÂry, don’t miss this short “MakÂing of” film, a short interÂview with Olivia Le-Tan, and an interÂview with Spike Jonze. Here, you can also watch Mourir Auprès de Toi (now added to our Free Movie colÂlecÂtion) in a largÂer forÂmat.
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Very RelatÂed ConÂtent:
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LoveÂly. ^_^
Slow, borÂing and unimagÂiÂnaÂtive. Jonze is very overÂratÂed. WarnÂer BrothÂers aniÂmaÂtion departÂment did sevÂerÂal carÂtoons based on this conÂcept over 50 years ago that packed much more enerÂgy and humor into a very few minÂutes worth of dazÂzling aniÂmaÂtion.
A very genÂtle way to wake up on a quiÂet Saturday..Don’t see this as only a comparison..enjoy it for ideas it imparts..Maybe time to go find a lover, hmm?
I enjoy short films that capÂture subÂtleÂty, quiÂet moments, and explore relaÂtionÂships in humorÂous, metaphorÂiÂcal ways. Thanks for sharÂing.
I’ve found that the best data subÂject, thank you
But she still had hair and eyes and how did they f**k withÂout skin? Ready to be enchantÂed but wasÂn’t so much realÂly….
But she still had hair and eyes and how did they f**k withÂout skin? Ready to be enchantÂed but wasÂn’t so much realÂly….
Maybe it was someÂhow inspired by