In the state-conÂtrolled proÂpaÂganÂda art of revÂoÂluÂtionÂary ChiÂna, sunÂflowÂers carÂried a blunt symÂbolÂism: Mao Zedong was the sun and the ChiÂnese peoÂple were the sunÂflowÂers, all facÂing one direcÂtion to receive the nourÂishÂing rays.
A genÂerÂaÂtion latÂer, in the work of ChiÂnese artist Ai WeiÂwei, the symÂbolÂism is a bit more subÂverÂsive. In 2010 Ai launched a show called SunÂflower Seeds, where a riot of indiÂvidÂual porceÂlain seeds–more than a hunÂdred milÂlion of them, all hand-painted–were spread across the floor of a large hall at the Tate ModÂern in LonÂdon. Ai wantÂed visÂiÂtors to move freely across the instalÂlaÂtion, pickÂing the seeds up, movÂing them around, doing whatÂevÂer they wantÂed — all shown in the video above.
As a chamÂpiÂon of freeÂdom and an outÂspoÂken critÂic of ChiÂna’s human rights record, Ai has come under heavy presÂsure from the ChiÂnese regime. EarÂly this year his ShangÂhai stuÂdio was demolÂished and he was latÂer arrestÂed and detained at secret locaÂtions for 81 days. Now he is forÂbidÂden from givÂing interÂviews or using the InterÂnet. But before he was arrestÂed, Ai was able to send a videoÂtaped speech to the TED conÂferÂence, outÂlinÂing his views. You can watch it below. To learn more about the extraÂorÂdiÂnary SunÂflower Seeds 2010 exhibÂit, you can watch the “TateShots” film above.
A great post! Ai WeiÂwei says: “I’m livÂing in a sociÂety where freeÂdom of speech is not allowed … I’m tryÂing to involve my art with sociÂety, to build posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty.”
I have creÂatÂed a bag called Ai WeiÂwei at #TED 2011.
Would you mind embedÂding the bag into this post? Thank you very much!
The idea regardÂing the above artiÂcle is excelÂlent to me. Thanks.