The first day was all smoke, debris, orgaÂnized mayÂhem, and pure disÂbeÂlief. The next day, realÂiÂty hit home. That’s when you walked out in the streets (in my case, BrookÂlyn), and saw your first missÂing perÂson sign, one of hunÂdreds you’d see over the comÂing months in ManÂhatÂtan and the outÂer borÂoughs. The numÂbers you heard on TV, the body count, became real faces — real peoÂple.
In OctoÂber 2003, StoÂryCorps, a nonÂprofÂit dedÂiÂcatÂed to recordÂing oral hisÂtoÂries of every kind, got underÂway with a small StoÂryÂBooth in Grand CenÂtral TerÂmiÂnal. Eight years latÂer, it has recordÂed and archived more than 35,000 interÂviews from 70,000 parÂticÂiÂpants. And, more recentÂly, it has turned its focus to 9/11 and the days that folÂlowed. The goal: to memoÂriÂalÂize in sound every perÂson lost on that day. You can visÂit the emergÂing audio archive here.
The poignant clip above, which tells the perÂsonÂal stoÂry of Richie PecorelÂla and Karen Juday, appears in a largÂer series of StoÂryCorps aniÂmatÂed videos, all availÂable here. You can supÂport the StoÂryCorps project by makÂing a donaÂtion, large or small today.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Archive of 9/11 TV CovÂerÂage LaunchÂes with 3,000+ Hours of Video
I swore I wasÂn’t going to lisÂten or watch 9/11 speechÂes, tribÂutes etc. But I got to this site through a tweet and my heart kept me here. It’s a love stoÂry that can’t be read — Richie’s voice says it all. And I’m glad I stayed here. Richie — you have sufÂfered greatÂly. I am so sorÂry for your loss and hope that her memÂoÂry keeps you strong.
I think my heart just broke all over again. Richie, there are no words posÂsiÂble, except I’m so sorÂry.
That is so very sad.
“StoÂryCorps aims to record at least one interÂview for each life lost in the SepÂtemÂber 11 attacks.” I wonÂder if that includes the hijackÂers, as that would be worth seeÂing too.
Richie, This is a good start to doing some good…Loved the stoÂry I’m origÂiÂnaly from Brooklyn,and i have a brothÂer Richard that still screams at car’s,and othÂer driver’s.Karen must have realÂly been a blessÂing from God to make you want to change, may she rest in God’s lovÂing arms…peace to you this 9/11.…
The CORRECT thing to do is STOP wastÂing monÂey on MemoÂriÂals and START payÂing healthÂcare costs for the RESPONDERS. While MemoÂriÂals can be personal…healthcare is LIFE OR DEATH! Do the CORRECT thing, elimÂiÂnate waste & HELP the LIVING!
@Zada, as much as I think the dead should be honÂored, we can do so by helpÂing the livÂing stay that way. I hadÂn’t thought about it before but you seem to have spent a lot of time thinkÂing about this.
Great stoÂry and my heart goes out to all 911 vicÂtims. 911 vicÂtims should be rememÂbered in our hearts, but now we must move on and help the livÂing.