DurÂing the 1940s, WarnÂer BrothÂers bought the rights to Robert LindÂner’s book, Rebel WithÂout a Cause: The HypÂnoÂanalyÂsis of a CrimÂiÂnal PsyÂchopath, and began turnÂing it into a film. A parÂtial script was writÂten, and a 23-year old MarÂlon BranÂdo was asked to do a five-minute screen test in 1947. For whatÂevÂer reaÂson, the stuÂdio abanÂdoned the origÂiÂnal project, and evenÂtuÂalÂly revived it eight years latÂer with a new script and a new actor — James Dean, of course. Dean’s own screen test for Rebel WithÂout a Cause appears here.
Down the road, you can find the BranÂdo clip in our colÂlecÂtion of 275 CulÂturÂal Icons, which feaÂtures great thinkers and artists appearÂing in origÂiÂnal video & audio. TolÂstoy, SalÂvador Dali, GeorÂgia O’KeÂeffe, they’re all part of the mix.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The GodÂfaÂther WithÂout BranÂdo?: It Almost HapÂpened
The James Dean StoÂry by Robert AltÂman (ComÂplete Film)
Paul NewÂman and James Dean ScreenÂtest for East of Eden
BranÂdo cerÂtainÂly was a beauÂty, wasÂn’t he.
Dear Sir,
I am interÂestÂed in your vwnÂture. Please proÂvide furÂther guidÂance on same.
Thanks and Regards
MarÂlon BranÂdo should have died like Jimi HenÂdrix, Jim MorÂriÂson, Kurt Cobain or James Dean — in the torÂnaÂdo like blitzkrieg of a dazÂzling genius. StampÂing the world with one’s unique talÂent and changÂing it forÂevÂer. Then leavÂing the world letÂting romance of death to creÂate an unendÂing porÂtrait in popÂuÂlar iconogÂraÂphy. But that was not to be.