In 1938, Lou Gehrig began his sixÂteenth seaÂson as the New York YanÂkees’ first baseÂman. He conÂtinÂued buildÂing toward his legÂendary record of playÂing 2,130 conÂsecÂuÂtive games. His batÂting averÂage held at a respectable .295, though down from the scorchÂing .351 of the year before. And, durÂing the preÂseaÂson, Gehrig crossed over to HolÂlyÂwood and starred in Rawhide, a WestÂern film shot durÂing an era when WestÂerns were a staÂple of AmerÂiÂcan filmÂgoÂers. (John Wayne starred in more than 40 WestÂerns durÂing the 1930s, and you can watch many of them online here.)
The plot of Rawhide is implauÂsiÂble, to say the least. The film starts with Gehrig playÂing himÂself, telling reporters at Grand CenÂtral staÂtion:
I am through with baseÂball… I got what I want. My sisÂter and I bought a swell ranch in a peaceÂful valÂley. I am going to walÂlow in peace and quiÂet for the rest of my life. I am going to hang up my spikes for a swell old pair of carÂpet slipÂpers.
Of course, things don’t turn out to be very peaceÂful or quiÂet in the town of Rawhide. And the 58 minute draÂma unfolds from there. This being a no-spoilÂer zone, we won’t tell you the rest.
The next year, the unthinkÂable hapÂpened. The Iron Horse was afflictÂed by ALS. His batÂting averÂage plumÂmetÂed to .145, and soon enough, Gehrig delivÂered his “luckÂiÂest man on the face of the earth” speech and left baseÂball. Years latÂer, neuÂrolÂoÂgists looked back at Rawhide to see if Gehrig disÂplayed any visÂiÂble signs of the motor neuÂron disÂease in earÂly 1938. But none could be detectÂed.
Rawhide appears in the “WestÂerns” secÂtion of our growÂing colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online, along with The Pride of the YanÂkees, a Lou Gehrig biopic filmed in 1942. It starred Gary CoopÂer was nomÂiÂnatÂed for a numÂber of AcadÂeÂmy awards.
My husÂband was diagÂnosed with MND ALS (amyÂotrophÂic latÂerÂal scleÂroÂsis) when he was 69 years old 6 years ago. The Rilutek (riluÂzole) did very litÂtle to help him. The medÂical team did even less. His decline was rapid and devÂasÂtatÂing. The psyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal supÂport from the medÂical cenÂter was non-exisÂtent and if it were not for totalÂcureÂherbÂsÂfounÂdaÂtion .c om and the senÂsiÂtive cure of their herbal forÂmuÂla he would have been not been alive today,there was sigÂnifÂiÂcant improveÂment in the first 4 weeks of usage that gave us hope that he will be alive,His docÂtor put him on riluÂzole, letÂting us know there was no cure until we gave try on total cure herbal supÂpleÂment that cure him totalÂly from this disÂease after 15 weeks of his usage. There is nothÂing posÂiÂtive about cure ALS conÂdiÂtion except for their herbal treatÂment .
i had difÂfiÂculÂty swalÂlowÂing and fatigue. I was givÂen medÂicaÂtions which helped but only for a short burst of time, then i decidÂed to try alterÂnaÂtive meaÂsures and began on ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from MayaÂka NatÂurÂal ClinÂic , It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit mayakanatÂuÂralÂclinÂic com)
i was diagÂnosed of BulÂbar ALS. After years on medÂicaÂtions, sympÂtoms worsÂened with tremors on my right hand, ForÂtuÂnateÂly last year, I learnt about Kycuyu Health ClinÂic and their effecÂtive ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment through an ALS supÂport group on faceÂbook the Lou Gehrig’s disÂease treatÂment made a great difÂferÂence, most of my sympÂtoms includÂing balÂance, weakÂness, falling alot and othÂers gradÂuÂalÂly disÂapÂpeared. I improved greatÂly over the 4 months treatÂment, its been a year since the treatÂment, i have no sympÂtoms. I have a very good qualÂiÂty of life and a great famÂiÂly!
My first sympÂtoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagÂnosed in 2016. I had severe sympÂtoms rangÂing from shortÂness of breath, balÂance probÂlems, couldÂn’t walk withÂout a walkÂer or a powÂer chair, i had difÂfiÂculÂty swalÂlowÂing and fatigue. I was givÂen medÂicaÂtions which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decidÂed to try alterÂnaÂtive meaÂsures and began on ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from Tree of Life Health clinÂic. It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit w w w. treeÂoflifeÂherbalÂclinÂic .com ). I had improved walkÂing balÂance, increased appetite, musÂcle strength, improved eyeÂsight and othÂers. ]
My husÂband first sympÂtoms of ALS occurred durÂing covid, but was diagÂnosed in 2021 when he was 61 years. He was on RiluÂzole- not crazy about it! he was also on Gabapentin and RadÂiÂcaÂva not crazy about any of it either, The Rilutek (riluÂzole) did very litÂtle to help him. The medÂical team did even less. His decline was rapid and devÂasÂtatÂing. His arms weakÂened first, then his hands and legs. I was a masÂter GarÂdenÂer and love herbs! This ALS took my life from me, I was no longer able to work in my garÂden anyÂmore because I was a full time careÂgivÂer for my husÂband. We stopped most of his ALS medÂicaÂtions due to severe side effects and I startÂed him on herbal treatÂments from Health Herbs ClinÂic (healthÂherbÂsclinÂic. c om), the treatÂment has made a very huge difÂferÂence for him. His sympÂtoms includÂing body weakÂness and slurred speech disÂapÂpeared after few months on the treatÂment. He is getÂting active again since startÂing this treatÂment, he is able to walk and able to ride his treadÂmill again.
My husÂband who had been diagÂnosed with BulÂbar ALS disÂease for 2 years at the age of 63 had all his sympÂtoms reversed with AyurveÂda medÂiÂcine from natÂurÂal
herbs cenÂtre. com after underÂgoÂing their ALS/MND natÂurÂal proÂtoÂcol, he no longer requires a feedÂing tube. God Bless all Lou Gehrig’s disÂease CareÂgivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughÂout the day to thank yourÂself, to love your self, and pray to whatÂevÂer faith, star, spirÂiÂtuÂal force you believe in and ask for strength. I can perÂsonÂalÂly vouch for these remÂeÂdy but you would probÂaÂbly need to decide what works best for you.
My first sympÂtoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagÂnosed in 2016. I had severe sympÂtoms rangÂing from shortÂness of breath, balÂance probÂlems, couldÂn’t walk withÂout a walkÂer or a powÂer chair, i had difÂfiÂculÂty swalÂlowÂing and fatigue. I was givÂen medÂicaÂtions which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decidÂed to try alterÂnaÂtive meaÂsures and began on ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from Tree of Life Health clinÂic. It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit w w w. healthÂcareÂherbalÂcenÂtre .com I had improved walkÂing balÂance, increased appetite, musÂcle strength, improved eyeÂsight and othÂers. ]
In DecemÂber my health took a turn for the worse I became very weak fast and could not even eat When I say fast I mean going from eatÂing a full plate of food to three days latÂer not being able to drink a a sip of water I went to VA hosÂpiÂtal emerÂgency room for dehyÂdraÂtion and figÂure they schedÂule me for a feelÂing tube placeÂment They admitÂted me and two weeks latÂer I woke up to my standÂing over me in the hosÂpiÂtal room this occurred durÂing my secÂond or third drug holÂiÂday from RadÂiÂcaÂva Again no way to know if what I expeÂriÂenced was a side effect When I was disÂcharged I was comÂpleteÂly parÂaÂlyzed So i startÂed on Ayurvedic treatÂment from NatÂurÂal Herbs CenÂtre as time went on moveÂment returned to my legs and to my arms and hands Able to hold my head up and strength has returned I give credÂit to God and NHC for my recovÂery Almost forÂgot to menÂtion I was on 24 hours venÂtiÂlaÂtion Now only use vent at night and durÂing naps Was diagÂnosed in 2021 with ALS, I urge you to seek out natÂuÂralÂherbÂsÂcenÂtre. com. We’re a litÂtle scared to tell everyÂone because some peoÂple might not believe us, since there’s no cure for ALS. But when I saw this post, I decidÂed to share our stoÂry. This treatÂment is a breakÂthrough!
My first ALS sympÂtom occurred in 2016, but was diagÂnosed in 2018. I had severe sympÂtoms rangÂing from shortÂness of breath, balÂance probÂlems, couldÂn’t walk withÂout a walkÂer or a powÂer chair, i had difÂfiÂculÂty swalÂlowÂing and fatigue. I was givÂen medÂicaÂtions which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decidÂed to try alterÂnaÂtive meaÂsures and began on ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from AknÂni herbs cenÂtre, It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walkÂing balÂance, increased appetite, musÂcle strength, improved eyeÂsight and othÂers.
ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from AknÂni herbs cenÂtre, It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walkÂing balÂance, increased appetite, musÂcle strength,
My first ALS sympÂtom occurred in 2016, but was diagÂnosed in 2018. I had severe sympÂtoms rangÂing from shortÂness of breath, balÂance probÂlems, couldÂn’t walk withÂout a walkÂer or a powÂer chair, i had difÂfiÂculÂty swalÂlowÂing and fatigue. I was givÂen medÂicaÂtions which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decidÂed to try alterÂnaÂtive meaÂsures and began on ALS ForÂmuÂla treatÂment from AknÂni herbs cenÂtre, It has made a tremenÂdous difÂferÂence for me (VisÂit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walkÂing balÂance, increased appetite, musÂcle strength, improved eyeÂsight and othÂers.
I am a CALS. My husÂband is PALS. It was hard and I cry daiÂly but not in front of him unless we cry togethÂer. He couldn’t find anyÂthing to give him hapÂpiÂness or hope. We have been focusÂing on our faith. He was only losÂing his voice before we made the deciÂsion to try difÂferÂent medÂicaÂtions, which sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly enhanced his conÂdiÂtion. He received treatÂment for ALS/MND at uineÂhealthÂcenÂtre. com from CanaÂda approxÂiÂmateÂly four months ago; since then, he has stopped using a feedÂing tube, speech is getÂting betÂter by the day, sleeps well, works out freÂquentÂly, and has become very active.