You know George Lucas’ clasÂsic, The Empire Strikes Back. Now roll it back a good 60 years and imagÂine the silent verÂsion. It works unexÂpectÂedÂly well.
H/T to @wesalwan. And don’t miss many landÂmark silent films in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online. ChapÂlin, earÂly HitchÂcock, Fritz Lang, the first sci-fi and westÂern films — they’re all there. Find them at the botÂtom of the page…
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Star Wars was released in 1977, not 1979 and the footage in this video is actuÂalÂly from The Empire Strikes Back, which was released in 1980.
I secÂond that /geekmotion.
This is great! Lucas has always said that the SW movies should work as silent films. Good job — love the music!
it seemed like this was the end of starÂwars episode 6 but then i realÂized it was starÂwars 5
Enjoyed it a lot, the ONLY thing I would’ve changed stylÂisÂtiÂcalÂly would’ve been using the ImpeÂrÂiÂal logo for Vader’s diaÂlogue and the Alliance Rogue Squadron phoenix logo for Luke’s. Would love to see more!
BRILLIANT! SW in any form,in any avatar, is a masterpiece,hell id applaud it even if it had only the soundÂtrack and no video!!
@college guy: I totalÂly agree. John Williams’ music for these movies is amazÂing. I love Star Wars.
There’s an unforÂtuÂnate typo at 2:23. It should read “… you can destroy…” not “… youR can destroy…” OthÂerÂwise, very well done.
That was so cool…different
Very clever. Why tack on the silÂly joke at the end?
it’s not George Lucas’ ClasÂsic… Irvin KerÂshÂnÂer directÂed “The Empire Strikes Back” (you can see it by the know fact, that the movie was directÂed well ;-) )
Despite that — funÂny video!
admit it, even though it’s silent, every one of you read Vader’s lines in his voice…