Conan O’Brien’s speech at Dartmouth’s graduation last weekend — that’s a hard act to follow. But Stephen Colbert put on a very good show Friday at Northwestern University, his alma mater (Class of 1986).
Best Joke:
We didn’t have cell phones [during my days at Northwestern]. If you made plans to meet someone in a snow storm and they didn’t show up, you just assumed that they were devoured by wolves and went on with your life. And we couldn’t text, and we certainly couldn’t sext each other. If you wanted to send someone a picture of your private parts, you had to fax it. That’s how Kinko’s got its name!
Best Advice:
In my experience, you will truly serve only what you love, because service is love made visible. If you love friends, you will serve your friends. If you love community, you will serve your community. If you love money, you will serve your money. If you love only yourself, you will serve only yourself and you will have only yourself… Try to love others and serve others, and hopefully find those who will love and serve you in return…
H/T @webacion
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