One of the most unique conÂcerts from the British blues revival of the 1960s was the “Blues and Gospel Train,” filmed May 7, 1964 by GranaÂda TV for the BBC. Fans who were lucky enough to get tickets–some 200 of them–were instructÂed to gathÂer at ManÂchesÂter’s CenÂtral StaÂtion by 7:30 that evening for a short train ride to the abanÂdoned WilbraÂham Road StaÂtion. When the train pulled in at WilbraÂham Road, the audiÂence poured out and found seats on one platÂform. The oppoÂsite side, decÂoÂratÂed to look like an old railÂway staÂtion in the AmerÂiÂcan South, served as a stage for MudÂdy Waters, Otis Spann, SisÂter RosetÂta Tharpe, SonÂny TerÂry, BrownÂie McGhee, Cousin Joe and RevÂerend Gary Davis. The perÂforÂmances are availÂable on DVD as part of AmerÂiÂcan Folk-Blues FesÂtiÂval: The British Tours 1963–1966. In the scene above, MudÂdy Waters sings, “You Can’t Lose What You Ain’t NevÂer Had.”
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The LegÂend of BluesÂman Robert JohnÂson AniÂmatÂed
I rememÂber MudÂdy Waters and some of his music. One in parÂticÂuÂlar was “What you need with a roostÂer when the fool won’t crow for day? What you need with a woman who won’t do a thing you say?” My mothÂer did not like blues, so my brothÂer could only play the records when she was not at home on that old VicÂtroÂla. Such a rich sound it had that we could hear it all over those hills in GreenÂwood and Greenville, S.C.. “Those were the days.”