We’re a bit embarÂrassed to admit that it took us three times to spot the change in this fasÂciÂnatÂing video illuÂsion at New SciÂenÂtist, even after readÂing about the research behind the video. The test was develÂoped by Kevin O’ReÂgan and his team at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Paris Descartes as part of their work on perÂcepÂtion. O’ReÂgan is best known for his work on change blindÂness, our relÂaÂtive inabilÂiÂty to perÂceive gradÂual change, and our tenÂdenÂcy to focus soleÂly on what we perÂceive to be the most dynamÂic or interÂestÂing eleÂment of a scene.
If this video isn’t enough to conÂvince of you of O’ReÂgan’s theÂoÂries, he’s postÂed a whole slew of demonÂstraÂtions at his webÂsite. BetÂter yet, you can disÂpel any remainÂing doubts (or self-esteem) by takÂing this awareÂness test, which is even more draÂmatÂic. It bowled us over. Let us know in the comÂments if it did the same for you.
via Kirstin ButÂler
SheerÂly Avni is a San FranÂcisÂco-based arts and culÂture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA WeekÂly, MothÂer Jones, and many othÂer pubÂliÂcaÂtions. You can folÂlow her on twitÂter at @sheerly.
It didÂn’t take me long. First time through, I noticed before they did the obviÂous segÂment.
Oh, so you mean the change wasÂn’t the tranÂsiÂtion between the O’Charley’s adverÂtiseÂment and the video of the carousel? :)
Took me two go-arounds, have to say.
I got it on the first try withÂout a probÂlem. I realÂly don’t underÂstand how you could miss it, but I guess that’s easy to say if you find it.
These comÂments are humÂbling, to say the least :).
ManÂaged to spot it just before the spoilÂer hit. Very interÂestÂing and inciÂdenÂtalÂly a wonÂderÂful examÂple of how evoÂluÂtion works — tiny imperÂcepÂtiÂble changes which result in masÂsive change over time :-)
Caught it…seemed kinÂda obviÂous.
It took me two times :P
OMG! I missed it. I thought the change would be subÂtle. HowÂevÂer, it was such a big difÂferÂence between the endÂing and the beginÂning. The gradÂual shades of change in-between went right past my visuÂal abilÂiÂty.
FasÂciÂnatÂing work by O’ReÂgan. Thank you.
ConÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions to those of you who saw the change.
I, too, caught it on the 3rd go around–I was scourÂing the minutiae–until it occured to me that the change might be otherwise–it was inobÂviÂousÂly obviÂous. Good one! And it says whole bunchÂes toward the accuÂraÂcy of O’ReÂgan’s theÂoÂries.
RealÂly? ComÂmerÂcials now?