Please give this video a secÂond to get going.
We have all seen or expeÂriÂenced it. When travÂelÂing at the right speeds, bikes can pracÂtiÂcalÂly steer themÂselves, remainÂing upright and defyÂing the pull of gravÂiÂty. PhysiÂcists thought they figÂured out this minor mysÂtery long ago. But a new paper (read the PDF here) by Andy Ruina (CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty) and Jim PapadopouÂlos (UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin — Stout) chalÂlenges the conÂvenÂtionÂal wisÂdom. This video, which comes to us courÂtesy of SciÂence FriÂday, explains…
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Physics from Hell: How Dante’s InferÂno Inspired Galileo’s Physics
who else loves cycling. .i love it..its my only means of relaxÂiÂaÂtion and just ridÂing around miaÂmi is just the best thing ever.
should menÂtion why some peoÂple can driÂve the bicyÂcle withÂout holdÂing the hanÂdleÂbars.
Is it a Bob JackÂson frame??
I have its almost idenÂtiÂcal counÂterÂpart which I use for comÂmutÂing and cenÂturies!
so, that answers nothÂing.….
they say they proved its not the trail of the wheel being set back or gyroÂscopÂic, so what is it.…
this sucks
im going to disÂney world octoÂber 3 so if you wanÂna come on down come on down (lol i said dent)