You wouldÂn’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly guess it, but astroÂphysics comes with occuÂpaÂtionÂal risks. TryÂing to unravÂel the mysÂterÂies of the uniÂverse, some physiÂcists jourÂney to inhosÂpitable parts of the world (Siberia, the AntarcÂtic, deep mine shafts, etc.), searchÂing for ideÂal conÂdiÂtions to perÂform experÂiÂments into dark enerÂgy, dark matÂter, and beyond. This all gets detailed by Anil AnanÂthaswamy, a softÂware writer turned sciÂence writer, who recentÂly pubÂlished a new book The Edge of Physics: A JourÂney to EarthÂ’s Extremes to Unlock the Secrets of the UniÂverse. The talk above was preÂsentÂed at the INK ConÂferÂence last DecemÂber. You can also watch him give a fuller 50 minute talk at Google here.
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