Terrific Hand-Crafted Animation Puts the Novel, Going West, Into (Stop) Motion

Could­n’t let this one pass by…

Ander­sen M, a Lon­don design stu­dio, craft­ed a rather amaz­ing stop motion video to accom­pa­ny an excerpt from Mau­rice Gee’s nov­el, Going West. The short film was pro­duced on behalf of the New Zealand Book Coun­cil, and you can only imag­ine, as one of our read­ers points out, the crafts­man­ship, patience, and effort that went into the mak­ing this.

Thanks Dalel for send­ing this our way, and please don’t miss anoth­er one of our favorites: Books Savored in Stop Motion Film…

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.