Ahead of Time, a new docÂuÂmenÂtary, tells the remarkÂable true stoÂry of Ruth GruÂber. Born in BrookÂlyn in 1911, GruÂber became the youngest perÂson in the world (let alone woman) to earn a Ph.D degree; she did so at the age of 20 from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Cologne, where she majored in GerÂman PhiÂlosÂoÂphy, ModÂern EngÂlish LitÂerÂaÂture, and Art HisÂtoÂry.
While in GerÂmany, GruÂber witÂnessed Nazi ralÂlies and latÂer returned to AmerÂiÂca with an acute awareÂness of the danÂgers posed by Nazism. BeginÂning her career in jourÂnalÂism, she returned to GerÂmany on a secret misÂsion for the FDR adminÂisÂtraÂtion and phoÂtographed HoloÂcaust refugees. (You can see the phoÂtos GruÂber capÂtured in this post, and absoluteÂly don’t miss the video interÂview with the 99-year-old Ruth at the botÂtom of that page). After the war, GruÂber conÂtinÂued workÂing as a forÂeign corÂreÂsponÂdent and phoÂtoÂjourÂnalÂist – a career that has spanned sevÂen decades.
The short clip above offers a preÂview of Ahead of Time, which airs on ShowÂtime tonight (MonÂday, March 7) at 5:30PM ET/PT, tomorÂrow (TuesÂday, March 8) at 8PM ET/PT, and FriÂday, March 11 at 4PM ET/PT. For a comÂplete list of Ahead of Time showÂings, see here. Ahead of Time promisÂes to explain the long and incredÂiÂbly inspirÂing career of Ruth GruÂber as a jourÂnalÂist, lecÂturÂer, author, phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer, and humanÂiÂtarÂiÂan. Don’t miss it!
Eugene Buchko is a blogÂger and phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer livÂing in Atlanta, GA. He mainÂtains a phoÂtoÂblog, EruÂdite ExpresÂsions, and writes about what he reads on his readÂing blog.
I just watched Ahead of Time: The life & times of Ruth GruÂber. I think this a remarkÂable docÂuÂmenÂtary. I have nevÂer seen a women like this in my life time. I would love to meet with her. I think this is a wonÂderÂful stoÂry. I am so glad someÂone could tell it.