GarÂry KasÂparov, still the highÂest-ratÂed playÂer in the hisÂtoÂry of chess, pulled through Google late last year and fieldÂed quesÂtions from the Googlers. (Don’t miss Conan O’Brien’s hilarÂiÂous riff on that term.) As you might expect, the quesÂtions often driftÂed back to KasÂparov’s famous 1996–97 matchÂes against IBM’s Deep Blue (a preÂcurÂsor to WatÂson) and more recent batÂtles between humans and comÂputÂers. The 65 minute Q&A includes a lot more good chess talk, but it also gets into the curÂrent state of RussÂian polÂiÂtics (KasÂparov has opposed Vladimir Putin and ran for presÂiÂdent in 2008), plus the chess masÂter’s varÂiÂous theÂoÂries about leadÂerÂship and strateÂgic thinkÂing…
PS Be sure to read KasÂparov’s thoughts on WatÂson writÂten immeÂdiÂateÂly after watchÂing the much pubÂliÂcized JeopÂardy! proÂgrams last week.
well, playÂing chess and in itself is comÂpliÂcatÂed and requires great skill and menÂtal dexÂterÂiÂty, now if your oppoÂnent is a comÂputÂer, I think you go into a catÂeÂgoÂry of type, out of this world.