The Vimeo Video School

You all know and love Vimeo videos. (We’ve fea­tured many here before.) Now Vimeo will teach you how to make your own videos. The new Vimeo Video School includes some nuts-and-bolts lessons (i.e., how to cap­ture good sound or improve your fram­ing & com­po­si­tion). And then there are some extra tuto­ri­als cre­at­ed by mem­bers of the Vimeo com­mu­ni­ty. Above, we give you a short intro­duc­tion to sto­ry­board­ing (part of a larg­er series on the sub­ject), which hap­pens to fea­ture orig­i­nal draw­ings from Mar­tin Scors­ese’s Taxi Dri­ver. And yes, by the way, Amer­i­can view­ers can watch Taxi Dri­ver online (for free) right here.

Note: The mak­er of Flip video cam­eras has also pro­duced a series of instruc­tion­al videos. You can find them on YouTube right here. Thanks to @TechSoup for the fyi…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.