Chris Landreth turned to animation as a second career and eventually landed an Oscar with Ryan (2004), a short animated film based on the life of Ryan Larkin, an artist who produced influential animated films during the 1960s, before falling into a personal downward spiral. You can revisit two of Larkin’s animated films (both referenced in the film above) on NFB.CA. Start with the Oscar-nominated short, Walking, from 1969, and then turn to Street Musique (1972). And don’t forget to download NFB’s free iPad app where you can watch Ryan in a portable yet visually compelling format.
The Landreth/Larkin films mentioned above have been added to our collection, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, Documentaries & More.
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Thank you, this post sure got me interested in Ryan Larkin — sadly it turns out he died of cancer in ’07, but his unfinished film
Spare Change is looking for funding (see his website at ). Also noticed that Chris Landreth and a team similar to the one that made Ryan has produced another film, The Spine, that’s getting good reviews.
Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational.