TryÂing to make heads or tails of WikÂiLeaks, which just released 250,000 US diploÂmatÂic cables this week? Then you may want to spend some time with one artiÂcle and one video. First, The New YorkÂer pubÂlished this sumÂmer an extenÂsive proÂfile of Julian Assange, the driÂving force behind WikÂiLeaks. A key pasÂsage explainÂing Assange’s world view appears below, and you can get the full proÂfile right here. Next up, we have Chris AnderÂson, the head of TED, in conÂverÂsaÂtion Assange. The interÂview, runÂning 20 minÂutes, tells you essenÂtialÂly “Why the World Needs WikÂiLeaks.” And then why not add to the list Forbes’ lengthy interÂview with Assange, pubÂlished earÂliÂer this week. (Thanks Avi for that.)
He had come to underÂstand the definÂing human strugÂgle not as left verÂsus right, or faith verÂsus reaÂson, but as indiÂvidÂual verÂsus instiÂtuÂtion. As a stuÂdent of KafÂka, Koestler, and SolzhenÂitÂsyn, he believed that truth, creÂativÂiÂty, love, and comÂpasÂsion are corÂruptÂed by instiÂtuÂtionÂal hierÂarÂchies, and by “patronÂage networks”—one of his favorite expressions—that conÂtort the human spirÂit. He sketched out a manÂiÂfesto of sorts, titled “ConÂspirÂaÂcy as GovÂerÂnance,” which sought to apply graph theÂoÂry to polÂiÂtics. Assange wrote that illeÂgitÂiÂmate govÂerÂnance was by defÂiÂnÂiÂtion conspiratorial—the prodÂuct of funcÂtionarÂies in “colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive secreÂcy, workÂing to the detriÂment of a popÂuÂlaÂtion.” He argued that, when a regime’s lines of interÂnal comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion are disÂruptÂed, the inforÂmaÂtion flow among conÂspirÂaÂtors must dwinÂdle, and that, as the flow approachÂes zero, the conÂspirÂaÂcy disÂsolves. Leaks were an instruÂment of inforÂmaÂtion warÂfare.
It shouldÂn’t be too difÂfiÂcult to preÂdict who will be Time magÂaÂzine’s “PerÂson of the Year” for 2010.
Forbes just had a great feaÂture artiÂcle on Assange, comÂplete with the uneditÂed tranÂscript of an interÂview with him.
its just a game startÂed by some big playÂers and motives are “a Lie hidÂing betwen the truth” and that lie is the real tarÂget to be spread as a truth just keep watchÂing what they are going to do in comÂming leaks autoÂmatÂiÂclay stoÂry will be infront of you those who got the real eyes
I have not always folÂlowed the leeks but I am very proud that there is always an indiÂvidÂual that will stand true to what they believe. Make peoÂple quesÂtion.
What does he believe?
That “govÂernÂments are bad”.
He didÂn’t even stand by that. He went into hidÂing rather than take a STD test.
He’s an egoÂtisÂtiÂcal, cowÂardÂly, and chauÂvinÂisÂtic jackÂass who’s pinÂing for attenÂtion.
What ever hapÂpened to this our First AmendÂment rights? The U.S. has always been a police state. Julian Assange has the balls to stand up to our milÂiÂtant govÂernÂment.
The realÂiÂty is that Julian Assange is a sociopath who has already put AmerÂiÂcan lives at risk — includÂing civilÂians. He has implicÂitÂly encourÂaged terÂrorÂism by pubÂlishÂing a list of sites that are critÂiÂcal to US secuÂriÂty. He’s also accused of rape. Again: sociopath. He is DEFINITLEY not anyÂone to admire.
“He’s also accused of rape. Again: sociopath.”
No, I mean, seriÂousÂly? Wow. That’s like… the most illogÂiÂcal thing I’ve ever read.
PeoÂple are startÂing to talk about stormÂing the police staÂtion and releasÂing this inocent man and whilst we are about it we should also drag the MP’s out of bed and hold them to account.
The perÂson who leaked the inforÂmaÂtion made a pledge to servÂer the amerÂiÂcan peoÂple against, both foriegn and domesÂtic enerÂmies and he did his duty and yet is also behind bars.
Do you think MP’s stelling monÂey and givÂing our monÂey to the banks is the way to go or do you think it’s time we sortÂed this mess out once and for all.
JusÂtice in the UK is a joke the world over.