Philosophy with John Searle: Three Free Courses

You can’t dab­ble in the world of phi­los­o­phy very long with­out encoun­ter­ing John Sear­le. One of Amer­i­ca’s most respect­ed philoso­phers, Sear­le did impor­tant work on “speech act” the­o­ry dur­ing the 1960s, then lat­er turned to con­scious­ness and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, out of which came his famous “Chi­nese room” thought exper­i­ment. Sear­le has taught phi­los­o­phy at UC-Berke­ley since 1959, and, until recent­ly, his cours­es were only avail­able to matric­u­lat­ed stu­dents. But this fall semes­ter, the good folks at Berke­ley record­ed three cours­es taught by Sear­le, and made them avail­able online. We have added them to the Phi­los­o­phy sec­tion of our big col­lec­tion of Free Online Cours­es. Or, you can sim­ply access the cours­es below, using your com­put­er or your smart phone.

  • Phi­los­o­phy of Lan­guage — iTunes — John Sear­le, UC Berke­ley
  • Phi­los­o­phy of Mind iTunes — John Sear­le, UC Berke­ley
  • Phi­los­o­phy of Soci­ety — iTunes — John Sear­le, UC Berke­ley

Note: All of these cours­es can also be accessed on YouTube (in audio for­mat) using this big playlist.

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Comments (8)
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  • alex says:

    bril­liant! very enter­tain­ing lec­tur­er. one of my favorite philoso­phers today.
    my obses­sive need to click over to Open­Cul­ture is val­i­dat­ed every­day!
    thank you

  • peng says:

    the sec­ond itunes U link is the same as the first one. Please cor­rect it.


  • Dan Colman says:

    Fixed. Sor­ry about that!

  • Oliver says:

    Are there links for non users of the … closed … iTunes Sys­tem?

  • Kay says:

    For these cours­es, what are the read­ing lists that accom­pa­ny them? espe­cial­ly the books for the phi­los­o­phy 132, spring 2010,

    Thank you


  • Leland Later says:

    I took this course (Phi­los­o­phy 132) in Fall 2014. There were 3 books for the course, all by Sear­le:

    Inten­tion­al­i­ty (Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1983)
    The Redis­cov­ery of the Mind (MIT Press, 1994)
    Mind (Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2004)

    Mind was the best com­plete sum­ma­ry, in my opin­ion. It touched on all the course mate­r­i­al and was the eas­i­est to under­stand.

    From the course read­er:

    Med­i­ta­tions on First Phi­los­o­phy: Med­i­ta­tions II and VI (Descartes)
    Log­i­cal Analy­sis of Psy­chol­o­gy (Hempel)
    Nature of Mind (Arm­strong)
    Brans and Behav­iour (Put­nam)
    Sen­sa­tions and Brain Process­es (Smart)
    Mad Pain and Mar­t­ian Pain (Lewis)
    Descrates’ Myth (Ryle)
    What Mary Did­n’t Know (Jack­son)
    Nam­ing and Neces­si­ty (Krip­ke)
    What is it Like to Be a Bat? (Nagel)
    Elim­i­na­tive Mate­ri­al­ism and the Propi­si­tion­al Atti­tudes (Church­land)
    Con­scious­ness (Sear­le)
    Iden­ti­ty and Neces­si­ty (Krip­ke)
    Epiphe­nom­e­nal and Super­ve­nient Cau­sa­tion (Kim)
    Men­tal Events (David­son)
    Mean­ing and Ref­er­ence (Put­nam)
    Back­ground of Thought (Stroud)
    Minds, Brains, and Pro­grams (Sear­le)
    Can We Solve the MInd-Body Prob­lem? (McGinn)
    Extend­ed Mind (Clark, Chalmers)
    Mind and Cos­mos: why the mate­ri­al­ist new-Dar­win­ian con­cep­tion of nature is almost… (Nagel)

  • Symultana says:

    Thank you so much!

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