Out My WinÂdow — it’s a new interÂacÂtive docÂuÂmenÂtary, a film unlike any you have seen before. KateÂriÂna Cizek, the direcÂtor, put it togethÂer over the course of years, and the award-winÂning film uses its novÂel approach to explore life, as it goes on, withÂin highÂrisÂes — the most comÂmonÂly built strucÂtures durÂing the past cenÂtuÂry. CreÂatÂed with 360Âş video and high end web techÂnolÂoÂgy, Out My WinÂdow brings you to 13 difÂferÂent locaÂtions across the globe, movÂing from ChicaÂgo to SĂŁo Paulo, to BanÂgaÂlore and JohanÂnesÂburg. And the stoÂry doesÂn’t unfold linÂearÂly. You choose where and when you want the stoÂries (49 in total) to begin and end. The film is betÂter expeÂriÂenced than described. So my recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtion: Watch the trailÂer, or just jump into the interÂacÂtive docÂuÂmenÂtary and see for yourÂself.
This is “Rear WinÂdow” with a vengeance!
i’m the direcÂtor of out my winÂdow, thanks so much for the review! your blog is aweÂsome, and we’ve been getÂting great feedÂback from teachÂers and eduÂcaÂtors from around the planÂet.
Out My WinÂdow is now crowdÂsourcÂing phoÂtos from around the world! SubÂmit yours through Flickr!