The Last Farm: An Oscar Nominated Short Film

The Last Farm, a short Ice­landic film direct­ed by Rúnar Rúnars­son and star­ring Jón Sig­ur­b­jörns­son, is now being fea­tured in the YouTube Screen­ing Room. Nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award for Live Action Short Film in 2006, the 20-minute pro­duc­tion gets into some sober­ing yet inescapably uni­ver­sal issues – love, aging, fam­i­ly and death. And I’ll leave it at that. You can now find this film list­ed in our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online along with 200+ high qual­i­ty cin­e­mat­ic works. Or you can pur­chase it on a DVD that brings togeth­er sev­er­al Acad­e­my Award-nom­i­nat­ed short films from 2005.

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  • Shelley says:

    Title grabbed me instant­ly, since my dad grew up on a farm (Texas, not Iceland)and my writ­ing is about a fic­tion­al farm fam­i­ly.

    It’s a hard life. Some­thing sol­id about it, though, and some­thing lost when it’s gone.

  • patrick says:

    this is typ­i­cal­ly of the over­ly sen­ti­men­talised mush that attracts Oscar nom­i­na­tions… please, the man buries him­self alive — I’m guess­ing he regrets that about five sec­onds lat­er. The film’s about noth­ing!

  • patrick says:

    ‘typ­i­cal’ — sor­ry, too vexed to edit!

  • Knute Rife says:

    I’ll assume you have the expe­ri­ence and cred to sling an atti­tude like that around and aren’t just chim­ing in from a loft in Tribeca between class­es at NYU.

  • Patrick says:

    I’m a human on the plan­et — I think that enti­tles me to give ‘my own’ opin­ion. What spe­cial ‘expe­ri­ence’ do I need — it’s not a ter­ri­bly dif­fi­cult film to read (it being about noth­ing).

    I have as much expe­ri­ence as I need to recog­nise a poor plot-line, an ide­alised end­ing, a mediocre per­for­mance, a pedes­tri­an script… and so on.

  • Knute Rife says:

    Com­ment­ing on the tech­ni­cal aspects is one thing. Com­ment­ing on the mind­sets of peo­ple you don’t know, don’t know any­thing about, and have no inten­tion of learn­ing about is just bohemi­an pre­ten­sion.

  • Vicky says:

    It’s not about any of that. It’s about an old man con­tent to end his life where he is and not be forced to live out the remain­der in a home.

  • Eridon says:

    This was about the tragedy of aging in a soci­ety that fears it. Instead of hon­or­ing old peo­ple, this soci­ety puts “old peo­ple” away, won’t let them just be. I don’t blame him for commt­ti­ing sui­cide, because he knew that his life was threat­ened by those who would take him away from his farm, and away from his dead wife. I won­der what would hap­pen if nurs­ing homes were ille­gal, and instead, ser­vices deliv­ered to the elder­ly where they live. A very sad film. Nobody helped him.

  • qdm says:

    You have not lived, or loved or lost or griev­ed if this does not res­onate with­in your bones.
    Life is not just about the vic­to­ry, the ova­tions, the brass ring grabbed.

  • brian says:

    love is beat­i­ful

  • brian says:

    that was a good film thanks

  • Rous says:

    excel­lent! it real­ly grabbed my atten­tion from the begin­ning. Trul­ly sad and real

  • Bill Lea says:

    The film made me think and in my mind that makes it a good film. It is obvi­ous a lot of heart went into this. Even if some­body does­n’t like it, it takes a cold heart to crit­i­cize it. Films that make us think about impor­tant issues are impor­tant. Well done.

  • Sylvie says:

    The demise of his beloved spouse and com­pan­ion of many years left the old man griev­ing and alone in the mid­dle of nowhere. He lacked sup­port or under­stand­ing from his some­what estranged daugh­ter, who lived with her fam­i­ly far off (most like­ly in a city) and would not live with him on the farm, nei­ther would she look after him if he no longer could. Although tied to his land and inde­pen­dent thus far, he faced the grim prospect of being sent away to a dis­tant nurs­ing home full of strangers instead. The win­ter was approach­ing fast. He must have felt like hav­ing lost the mean­ing of his life, or he abhorred what his life’s con­tin­u­a­tion would like­ly look and feel like, thus he decid­ed to fol­low his wife. It is a mov­ing and sad­den­ing and raw depic­tion of one man’s end of life that is ugly, and yet roman­tic and (for that man) inevitable under giv­en cir­cum­stances.

  • Rich Stein says:


    What a film.

    I live on a farm (chop a lot of wood) and recent­ly lost my wife. I can total­ly relate to this film.

    Also, while I would not do it sim­i­lar thoughts like the final scene have entered my mind and that was pri­or to view­ing the movie. The posters that call it a noth­ing film are for­tu­nate not to have had the expe­ri­ence los­ing a spouse. I hope they nev­er have to per­son­al­ly under­stand the full sig­nif­i­cance of this film.

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