Star Wars Retold with Paper Animation

It’s hard not to enjoy this. Artist Eric Pow­er retells the basic sto­ry of the Star Wars tril­o­gy, using cut-paper ani­ma­tion. The film runs a very quick 2:40, and Jere­my Messer­smith’s ‘Tatooine’ pro­vides the sound­track. (You can down­load the song here for what­ev­er price you want.) More ani­mat­ed films by Pow­er appear on his web­site:

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  • JC says:

    It’s ani­mat­ed, it just hit the web, and he went full force in mar­ket­ing it. Does it make it real­ly good ? I don’t think it does. I’t isn’t real­ly a wow kind of video. I like this ani­mat­ed video bet­ter

    Some­one should blog this per­sons video, it’s cool

  • Road says:

    I am sor­ry but I don’t like it. The music is looped / garage band soft­ware. In my opin­ion it is cheap look­ing and juve­nile. Why is he try­ing to skate off the coat tails of star wars any­ways? My advice to him: “Get a real band, dump the garage band soft­ware and hire a pro­fes­sion­al ani­ma­tor, use your own ideas not star wars fame, and get your voice — which is good out there with those con­cepts. Then, you’ll see results, and feel proud of your accom­plish­ments.”

  • Ozzy James Gillan says:

    This is a ter­ri­ble cov­er of Jimi Hen­drix’s Ver­sion of ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER (Bob Dylan’s Song). Instead of try­ing to copy Jimi Vocal­ly and Gui­tar­wise, He fails at both. The video is unin­spired, uno­rig­i­nal and not ani­mat­ed well at all and it is a bla­tant rip off of HEAVY METAL: THE MOVIE, GAME OF THRONES and Jim­i’s Video only done real­ly poor­ly! Now before you try to cry out about bud­gets, The Jimi Hen­drix Expe­ri­ence began to record their ver­sion of Dylan’s “All Along the Watch­tow­er” on Jan­u­ary 21, 1968, at Olympic Stu­dios in Lon­don and HEAVY METAL was released on August 7, 1981.

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