This week, Jonathan McInÂtosh (of RebelÂlious PixÂels) released a new cartoon,“Right Wing Radio Duck,” that remixÂes dozens of clasÂsic Walt DisÂney carÂtoons from the 1930s to 1960s. The artisÂtic work is seamÂless. The video is downÂright fun to watch. And the underÂlyÂing mesÂsage is entireÂly conÂtemÂpoÂrary. A la ColÂbert: Keep Fear Alive.
The new video is released under a CreÂative ComÂmons license, and, accordÂing to the artist, this transÂforÂmaÂtive remix “conÂstiÂtutes a fair-use of any copyÂrightÂed mateÂrÂiÂal as proÂvidÂed for in secÂtion 107 of the US copyÂright law.” Will DisÂney, a comÂpaÂny that exerÂcisÂes enorÂmous powÂer over AmerÂiÂcan copyÂright law, agree? That remains to be seen.
To Glenn Beck fans who douÂble as OC readÂers (if we have any), I apolÂoÂgize in advance.
via Alec Couros (aka @courosa)
I agree with some things that Beck talks about, but most of the times I have to ask what the hell is he talkÂing about.
Way to emoÂtionÂal for me, cryÂing all the time suck it up man get a hold of yourÂself.
I agree with DonÂald though, that was way to much crap to lisÂten to.
Good going DonÂald.
ApolÂoÂgize? For what? That was both hilarÂiÂous and true. Most AmerÂiÂcans are dumbÂer than sheep and the mad-as-hell-not-gonna-take-it-anyÂmore Glenn Beck loons are a textÂbook examÂple of this. In the origÂiÂnal feaÂture film “Wall Street,” OlivÂer Stone could just as well have had GorÂdon Gekko say “Fear is good. Fear works” and the mesÂsage of the film would’ve still been lost on the unwashed massÂes.
…if it wasÂn’t bad enough that DonÂald fell under GlenÂn’s sway, now MickÂey’s runÂning for office on a clearÂly BeckÂian platÂform..
Check out the remix of BeckÂ’s response by YouTuÂber ikat381 called “MickÂey Mouse DisÂcovÂers The GovÂernÂment Plan to Attack Glenn Beck by PayÂing Jonathan McInÂtosh to Remix CarÂtoons’.
LesÂson to Gleen — Don’t try to go after open culÂture remixÂers, they will lamÂpoon you for it!
I agree as much as the next man that Beck is someÂwhere to the right of OlivÂer Cromwell in his polÂiÂtics. But I would like to say that callÂing AmerÂiÂcans, “dumb as sheep” is not only insultÂing, it’s downÂright stuÂpid. It is popÂuÂlar in today’s thinkÂing to tear down AmerÂiÂca as a counÂtry, but AmerÂiÂca is still proÂducÂing some of the smartest peoÂple in world. Maybe I’ll be lynched for sayÂing someÂthing good about AmerÂiÂca. I don’t know. But next time you post, rememÂber that every nation in the world has just as many probÂlems as we do. You just don’t hear about them, much as they don’t hear about our probÂlems.
Think about this: if our ally, AusÂtralia, had an ecoÂnomÂic depresÂsion, would you know? I doubt it. Here in AmerÂiÂca, we only hear about AmerÂiÂca’s probÂlems. This makes it seem like we are the hellÂhole of the world if you do not keep up, in detail and depth, with forÂeign affairs.