Ok Go & the Open Video Conference

This week, OK Go released a new video sup­port­ing its lat­est sin­gle “White Knuck­les.” It’s the first since they released two viral videos (here and here) accom­pa­ny­ing “This Too Shall Pass.” Give the video a watch (above) and take into account these stats.

  • The video gen­er­at­ed more than 1 mil­lion views on Mon­day alone (its first day on the web),
  • It appar­ent­ly took 124 takes to make the video, and the video you see is actu­al­ly the 72nd take,
  • 4 lbs of dog treats were used each day dur­ing the mak­ing of the video,
  • There were 3–4 cof­fee runs per day for the humans involved, and
  • The video will gen­er­ate dona­tions for the ASPCA.

Now this very relat­ed plug: Ok Go’s lead singer, Dami­an Kulash, will be a head­line speak­er at the Open Video Con­fer­ence tak­ing place in New York City on Octo­ber 1st & 2nd. He’s just one of 100 speak­ers tak­ing part in the con­fer­ence, and tick­ets start at $35. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it the Open Video Con­fer­ence web site.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.