US Government Opens Tech/Culture

Today’s rul­ing is bound to get a lot of buzz, but prob­a­bly for the wrong rea­sons. Accord­ing to new rules set forth by The Library of Con­gress (which over­sees the Copy­right Office), iPhone own­ers can now legal­ly “jail­break” their device and down­load soft­ware that Apple/AT&T dis­ap­proves of. That will get the head­lines. But we should­n’t lose sight of this: This far-reach­ing rul­ing goes well beyond the iPhone itself and also allows (among oth­er things) “col­lege pro­fes­sors, film stu­dents and doc­u­men­tary film­mak­ers to break copy-pro­tec­tion mea­sures on DVDs so they can embed clips for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es, crit­i­cism, com­men­tary and non­com­mer­cial videos.” (The quot­ed mate­r­i­al comes from the AP, not the rul­ing itself). In short, these new guide­lines give con­sumers greater lat­i­tude to decide how they want to use com­put­ers, gad­gets and media they’ve pur­chased.  And they clear up some legal murk­i­ness that has sur­round­ed these issues, par­tic­u­lar­ly with­in uni­ver­si­ties, for some time. A good day for gov­ern­ment … and the Elec­tron­ic Fron­tier Foun­da­tion, which pushed for these pro­tec­tions.

PS Does this still mean that Apple can void your war­ran­ty if you jail­break your iPhone? I’m not sure whether that goes away or not…

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  • Brad Clarke says:

    You can get your auto war­ran­ty can­celed for mak­ing cer­tain mod­i­fi­ca­tions to your car, so I’d think Apple could still drop you if you jail­break your phone.

  • It’s my under­stand­ing that this places no restric­tions on what Apple can do to you. That’s gonna be a gnarly issue.

  • Steven says:

    What if you pay insur­ance for your phone? They can’t stop that because of they did that would no steal­ing.

  • nikke says:

    I work for CINGULAR/ATT. U can jail­break all u want. But we have a fee for every­thing. We can attach a fee to every­thing u send to ya phone. We don’t have to warn of the fees because this fea­ture is not part of our con­tract wit APPLE.

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