The CivÂil War was a waterÂshed moment in US hisÂtoÂry, and it figÂures cenÂtralÂly in any AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry curÂricuÂlum. If you missed this course durÂing high school or colÂlege, not to worÂry. Now, thanks to Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty, you can revisÂit this hisÂtorÂiÂcal moment with Prof. David Blight, one of the nation’s leadÂing CivÂil War scholÂars. The CivÂil War and ReconÂstrucÂtion “explores the causÂes, course, and conÂseÂquences of the AmerÂiÂcan CivÂil War, from the 1840s to 1877,” lookÂing at how the UnitÂed States was transÂformed on mulÂtiÂple levÂels: racialÂly, socialÂly, politÂiÂcalÂly, conÂstiÂtuÂtionÂalÂly and moralÂly. You can access the 27 free lecÂtures, preÂsentÂed in audio and video, via YouTube, iTunes, and the Yale web site (plus a sylÂlabus). We also have it on the list of our Free HisÂtoÂry CoursÂes, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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RealÂly liked the course. The first proÂfesÂsor that did not put me to sleep on this subÂject. Have had difÂfiÂculÂty develÂopÂing an interÂest in the hisÂtorÂiÂcals. I learned alot. Thanks for your hard work. My mom thanks you.
I would like to sign up for the class. How do I get a sylÂlabus? Is it just watch and lisÂten or do stuÂdents interÂact? Could I talk to someÂone with my quesÂtions? Liz
I perÂsonÂalÂly pound my chest and take off my crown and place it in your hands and you place it on your head. I view my self as a priest.
I need help seeÂing who my ancesÂtors are i have my dads fathers name but not my dads moms name cause she left when my dad was 4yrs old. please help me