In 1977, Ray and Charles Eames, the famous LA designÂers, proÂduced the short film PowÂers of Ten. The movie starts with a fixed point in ChicaÂgo, then zooms out into the uniÂverse by facÂtors of ten. And, before too long, you find yourÂself 100 milÂlion light years away. Based on Kees Boeke’s 1957 book, CosÂmic View, the 10-minute film offers what amounts to a breathÂtakÂing tour of the uniÂverse. This clip was sent our way by HeleÂna, who will get a free copy of the new Rolling Stones docÂuÂmenÂtary, Stones in Exile.
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I am glad you selectÂed this video and look forÂward to the Stones docÂuÂmenÂtary. Thank you. HeleÂna @helkalin
I saw this (or actuÂalÂly I think an oldÂer verÂsion of it) at a colÂlege oriÂenÂtaÂtion proÂgram years ago, and became obsessed with it. For years I tried to find it and buy it and couldÂn’t find it at all, then I could find it but only teachÂers could buy it, then finalÂly it went on the marÂket and I got a copy.
You’ve gotÂta love that soundÂtrack. It sounds just like the future soundÂed in 1968.
The video Sounds the idea that the proÂtons and neuÂtrons are present both outÂside of the world and inside of the body.….….… the powÂers of ten
May be you can watch in youtube more clearÂer..
Thanks for the video.
this is the 1977 verÂsion. the 1968 verÂsion is difÂferÂent than this.
PowÂers of Ten inspired many of us… includÂing app develÂopÂers: see Cozmic Zoom on Android. Now you can zoom the uniÂverse with a swipe of a finÂger.
I also rememÂber the 1968 verÂsion, it showed the speed and time dilaÂtion. Any idea where to see that verÂsion?