In July 1945, J. Robert OppenÂheimer, a theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physiÂcist from UC BerkeÂley, saw his work on the ManÂhatÂtan Project culÂmiÂnate with the test of the first nuclear bomb. The genie was let out of the botÂtle, and, ever since then, world leadÂers have been tryÂing to put the genie back in … with great difÂfiÂculÂty. The new docÂuÂmenÂtary CountÂdown to Zero, which preÂmiered at SunÂdance earÂliÂer this year, traces the hisÂtoÂry of the atomÂic bomb and makes the case for worldÂwide nuclear disÂarÂmaÂment – a timeÂly issue givÂen that the US SenÂate has been debatÂing the New StrateÂgic Arms ReducÂtion Treaty (aka New START). The “feaÂturette” above, excerptÂed from the film, gives you a quick and someÂwhat hauntÂing introÂducÂtion to OppenÂheimer, the man behind the bomb.
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I canÂnot fathÂom the arguÂment for “worldÂwide nuclear disÂarÂmaÂment”. Can anyÂone make the case — with a straight face — that the world would be betÂter off if the US were not the overÂwhelmÂing superÂpowÂer on the Earth? The fact is, when staÂble democÂraÂcies posÂsess vastÂly supeÂriÂor weaponÂry, the world is made safer from the thugs who would othÂerÂwise seek to wreak more death and destrucÂtion than they already do. Let’s rememÂber that Hitler’s rise occurred when “disÂarÂmaÂment” was the theme throughÂout the rest of Europe. It is also the case that the atom bombs dropped on Japan endÂed the war, savÂing countÂless lives that inevitably would have been lost in an invaÂsion of Japan. Why is it that, givÂen the many mass murÂderÂers who have blightÂed this planÂet throughÂout hisÂtoÂry, some peoÂple still have difÂfiÂculÂty underÂstandÂing that there are, and will be, truÂly evil peoÂple in the world, and that weakÂness only invites their aggresÂsion and bruÂtalÂiÂty?
FanÂtasÂtic biogÂraÂphy of OppenÂheimer — AmerÂiÂcan Prometheus: The TriÂumph and Tragedy of J. Robert OppenÂheimer — check out the webÂsite: