This weekÂend marked the 154th birthÂday of NikoÂla TesÂla, the Serbian/Croatian emiÂgre whose work on elecÂtroÂmagÂnetÂism and electroÂmechanÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing conÂtributed to the birth of comÂmerÂcial elecÂtricÂiÂty. EspeÂcialÂly durÂing the past year, his name has regained a fair amount of curÂrenÂcy, not least because there’s a very sporty elecÂtric roadÂster now named after him. In honÂor of his birthÂday, the clip above gives a very quick and artisÂtic introÂducÂtion to TesÂla’s life and work …
Dear Sir,
HereÂwith a copy of entry from Wikipedia that explains TesÂla’s nationÂalÂiÂty.
“Born an ethÂnic Serb in the vilÂlage of SmilÂjan, CroaÂtÂian MilÂiÂtary FronÂtier in AusÂtriÂan Empire (today’s CroaÂtÂia).…”
Your highÂbrow webÂsite is excelÂlent and so should be your inforÂmaÂtion.
Best Regards,
Thank you for proÂmotÂing the real hisÂtoÂry.
This was a nice post. I just finÂished readÂing a good book of hisÂtorÂiÂcal ficÂtion about TesÂla, “The InvenÂtion of EveryÂthing Else” by SamanÂtha Hunt. Check it out for a quick and interÂestÂing read:
One misÂtake was made when it’s said that TesÂla was CroaÂtÂian emiÂgre. He nevÂer was CroaÂtÂian and nevÂer lived in CroaÂtÂia. He was born Serb in AusÂtro-HunÂgaria, and until his death he was livÂing one a penÂsion givÂen him by the Yugoslav govÂernÂment. So after the AusÂtro-HunÂgaria there was Yugoslavia. No CroaÂtÂia whatÂsoÂevÂer. It’s imporÂtant to stick to the facts.
Best regards!