An imporÂtant AmerÂiÂcan string theÂoÂrist, BriÂan Greene hasÂn’t shied away from bringÂing heady theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physics to the broadÂer pubÂlic. His 1999 bestÂselling book, The EleÂgant UniÂverse, introÂduced string theÂoÂry to non speÂcialÂists, and it was latÂer adaptÂed into a three hour, Emmy award-winÂning teleÂviÂsion series by NOVA. (You can buy it on DVD, or simÂply watch it online here.) Now, on RichardDawkins.Net, Greene hosts a short video that takes us into the specÂuÂlaÂtive world of “hidÂden dimenÂsions.” If borne out, these theÂoÂries could entireÂly reframe our underÂstandÂing of the Big Bang and where our world fits into the largÂer cosÂmos. You can find more videos along these lines on, and also on his relatÂed YouTube ChanÂnel (which hapÂpens to appear in our colÂlecÂtion of IntelÂliÂgent YouTube ChanÂnels).
For those outÂside of US and canÂnot watch the NOVA series online, you can watch it here
It’s a realÂly good proÂgram for layÂman to underÂstand the comÂpliÂcatÂed string theÂoÂry.
RidicuÂlous and disÂtractÂing aniÂmaÂtion and music.
go back under your bridge hoagy kartofÂfel. With a name like that you are cerÂtainÂly a troll.
This was great.