Filmed in 1986, Meetin’ WA is a short (26 minute) film that not many have seen. What you get is Godard, one of the driÂving forces behind La NouÂvelle Vague, in conÂverÂsaÂtion with Woody Allen. The tradeÂmark Godard approach to film, the expectÂed dose of Woody Allen neuÂroses — they’re all there. You’ll find this gem and 340+ othÂer films (includÂing many clasÂsics) listÂed in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.
amazÂing. What an archive!
not a bad interÂview and oh so hilarÂiÂousÂly godard in style.
Does anyÂone else see the irony in the conÂstant comÂmerÂcials for a salÂad dressÂing durÂing a short film by Godard? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.