Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the Learning Revolution!

Some months ago, we asked you to name your favorite TED Talk. And, more than a few of you flagged Sir Ken Robin­son’s pre­sen­ta­tion from 2006, Do Schools Kill Cre­ativ­i­ty? You’re in good com­pa­ny. The talk remains one of TED’s most pop­u­lar videos of all time. Today, TED has released Robin­son’s sequel (of sorts). Record­ed this past Feb­ru­ary, Bring on the Learn­ing Rev­o­lu­tion! “makes the case for a rad­i­cal shift from stan­dard­ized schools to per­son­al­ized learn­ing — cre­at­ing con­di­tions where kids’ nat­ur­al tal­ents can flour­ish.” Give it some time. Per­haps it’s anoth­er talk for the ages.

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  • Marilyn Suleiman says:

    Dear Sir Robin­son,

    I was so amazed when I viewed the you tube seg­ment regard­ing edu­ca­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty! I have just left the pub­lic school sys­tem due to need­ing surgery on my foot.I taught dance for the past ten years and had devel­oped a cur­ricu­lum that encour­aged think­ing and cre­ativ­i­ty to a very high degree. So many stu­dents are bored in school because there are lim­it­ed chal­lenges and even more lim­it­ed out­lets for the gen­uine use of the imag­i­na­tion.
    I have start­ed writ­ing a book regard­ing my men­tor and how she opened my mind, heart and body. Your dis­cus­sion about Jil­lian was so close to my own expe­ri­ence, that I was left breath­less.
    I would love to par­tic­i­pate in any future con­fer­ence regard­ing edu­ca­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty. Please for­ward the infor­ma­tion to me regard­ing future con­fer­ences on this top­ic.

    Thank you for your won­der­ful­ly humor­ous approach to such a seri­ous top­ic. I laughed and lis­tened!


    Mar­i­lyn Suleiman

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