The emerÂgence of “new media” and “social media” — it has all looked fairÂly revÂoÂluÂtionÂary, the beginÂning of someÂthing entireÂly new. But, when you step back and conÂsidÂer it, these innoÂvaÂtions mark perÂhaps just an accelÂerÂaÂtion of a trend that began long ago — one that MarÂshall McLuhan, the famed comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion theÂoÂrist, first outÂlined in the 1960s. The vinÂtage clip above gives you a feel for this, and McLuhan himÂself appears at around the 2:45 minute mark. As you watch this video, you start to realÂize how preÂscient McLuhan was, and how social media is almost the logÂiÂcal fulÂfillÂment of the trend he saw emergÂing.
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A stunÂning clip. Despite the theÂatriÂcal proÂlogue and the oddÂly childÂlike interÂlude on a library set where a TV perÂsonÂalÂiÂty preÂtends to open the door to the outÂside world and lisÂten to its sounds, McLuhan and his interÂlocuÂtor sit and disÂcuss the social impact of the InterÂnet and the Web withÂout ever utterÂing those names. Of course, they couldÂn’t — by the looks of this black-and-white video they were conÂversÂing about 50 years ago. RemarkÂable!
i need this inforÂmaÂtion aim workÂing at library
TurkÂish ForÂeign MinÂisÂter Ahmet DavuÂtoÂglu said before flyÂing to WashÂingÂton for talks on SyrÂia that Turkey, which once saw Assad as an ally but now wants him out, could no longer stand by and watch. Turkey wantÂed to host an interÂnaÂtionÂal meetÂing to agree ways to end the killing and proÂvide aid, he said.
“It is not enough being an observÂer,” he told Reuters, though RusÂsia and ChiÂna have warned against “interÂferÂence”.
I enjoyed the theÂatriÂcal introÂducÂtion which frames the MarÂshall McLuhan interÂview.
he’s readÂing from cue cards. very very weird
His missÂes were as big as his misÂtakes, and in some ways more interÂestÂing. He believed that text would become obsoÂlete in a “post-litÂerÂate” world of recordÂed and transÂmitÂted images and sound. As it turns out, the globÂal vilÂlage is almost all text-based, and likeÂly to remain so.
Meant, of course, “his missÂes were as big as his hits.” Oh for an edit butÂton.