Johnny Depp Reads Letters from Hunter S. Thompson

Back in 1998, Hunter S. Thomp­son’s most famous piece of Gonzo jour­nal­ism, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, was brought to the sil­ver screen, with John­ny Depp play­ing a lead role. From this point for­ward, Depp and Thomp­son became fast friends. (Indeed, Depp would end up pay­ing for Thomp­son’s elab­o­rate funer­al, which involved shoot­ing the writer’s ash­es out of a can­non to the tune of Nor­man Green­baum’s Spir­it in the Sky and Bob Dylan’s Mr. Tam­bourine Man.) Above we fea­ture John­ny read­ing out loud some let­ters he received from Hunter. The let­ters are very Thomp­son-esque, which means, among things, they’re NOT SAFE for work! Part 2 can be found here, and Part 3 here.

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  • man2sting says:

    John­ny Depp, famil­iar with the name in 1980’s. So that’s the sto­ry about. What if the let­ter’s read in par­o­dy?

  • Lucia Helena SiepmanN says:

    As I am not a native Eng­lish speak­er and have some dif­fi­cul­ty in the lis­ten­ing com­pre­hen­sion, I would like to receive by email, the tran­scrip­tion of the let­ter that Hunter S Thomp­son wrote to John­ny Deep.

    Thanks a lot
    Lucia Hele­na Siep­mann

  • Beverly Bardwell Greis says:

    What a rare treat! Hunter Thomp­son’s fun­ny, mov­ing, Mark Twainesque ver­biage read by the great John­ny Depp! If only either of them had been my friend, then I could pass the time read­ing let­ters like these, instead of mis­sives from the water com­pa­ny, Newsweek, and Read­er’s Digest!

  • patrice says:

    what…can you live your whole life with such non­sense or do you have to peek once in a while at the “log­i­cal ” just to make sire you are still“on track”.

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