What’s the likeÂliÂhood that we’ll ever find extraterÂresÂtriÂal life? Many sciÂenÂtists would argue that the chances are slim. When you get down to basic essenÂtials, you need water and modÂerÂate temÂperÂaÂtures for life to take off. And it’s unlikeÂly that these conÂdiÂtions exist beyond our planÂet. That’s the basic arguÂment. But now Dr Alan TunÂnaÂcliffe, an award-winÂning researcher at CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty’s InstiÂtute of BiotechÂnolÂoÂgy, steps in and tells you about rotifers, tiny aniÂmals that can withÂstand extreme temÂperÂaÂtures and surÂvive in almost waterÂless conÂdiÂtions. It’s an intriguÂing five minÂutes of video that will get you thinkÂing about the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties.
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