Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five was published back in 1969, and the anti-war sci fi novel quickly became a classic. (The book now appears, for example, on Time Magazine’s list of All Time 100 Novels.) Whether you’ve read the novel or not, you’ll want to check this out. HarperCollins has posted online a recording of Vonnegut himself reading a lengthy passage from the work. And he does it with the “casual irony that complements the novel’s wonderfully eccentric tone.” You can stream Vonnegut’s reading in the following formats: .au format (4.5 Mb), .gsm format (900 Kb), .ra format ( Mb). (Sorry a straightforward mp3 is not available.) Also, if you want some more Vonnegut, feel free to download his 1962 sci fi short story, 2BR02B, which is otherwise listed in our collection of Free Audio Books.
Note: Audible.com offers a version of Slaughterhouse-Five narrated by actor/writer Ethan Hawke. You can download it (or any another other book) for free if you start a free 14 day trial. It has no strings attached. Get some more basic details here.
There is never enough anti-war novels, thanks for your tip.